Friday 29 July 2016


Saw this this pictured post as seen on the right a couple of months back and had to go dig it up again as soon as this topic came up in order to drive home my point.
Not too long ago I wrote ‘no situation is too big enough to make a man commit suicide’. And someone called me up to say “guess you may want to clarify some things around that notion after reading this”. I didn’t like the tone of that caller until after I read what he sent.

Inasmuch as I hate the word ‘suicide’, I hereby, like the caller, proffer it to all those unrepentant pedophiles, rapists and their counterparts whose ‘stock in trade’ is causing pain and havoc on their victims irrespective of their age to take the route of ‘suicide’ before the wrath of God, hands of the law and angry mob get to them. Hell is no doubts waiting for them with open arms.

I still don’t get it why some ‘useless’ men would defile children in the name of pleasure when there are cheap and very available ‘runs’ girls who have taken prostitution to different levels all over the place hence with as little as a token, such men would get all the pleasures they desire but alas, they would rather go and defile young innocent girls including the boys who are no longer spared in the nefarious, abominable and unforgiving acts.

Gosh! Some men are so sick.

I know we’ve heard stories upon stories about how young children are defiled and abused on a daily basis, by neighbours, uncles, fathers and even those who ought to be called spiritual leaders over them. God! The list is endless.

Though we keep hearing such stories, I still got nauseous when I read about how one Ikechukwu Alu, a trader at a market on 23 Road, Festac Town, Lagos, was arrested for allegedly abducting and raping a seven-year-old girl, Victoria.

When I saw the headline, I was like “oh not again”!

According to reports as gathered from the Punch, little Victoria was in search of a supposed missing recharge card that she was said to have misplaced on her way from buying it when she was abducted by the alleged Pedophile, Alu who obviously may have lured her with a promise to help her find the card having being chased out of the home for misplacing it in the first place.

Obviously, the little girl does not stay with her parents else they wouldn’t have chased her out at that time of the night to go look for it.

Nevertheless, if they are her parents, well “it’s a big shame” on them just that it’s sad that it was the little girl who got the ‘hurts’ from their action if the report as published in the Punch is really true. I so wish it isn’t true. But then, Punch is come too far to publish incredible stories as true.

Details of what the little girl went through the entire night is only known to the ‘shameless’ Alu, the little girl and of course God as it was gathered they both spent the night in the shop in a nearby market in Amuwo Odofin where she lives until 5am until when he was accosted by residents who saw him leaving the place with the little girl strapped to his back.

Why ‘strapped to the back’? You may want to ask. I guess, according to a commentator who spoke on the issue, “the little girl was either too weak or it was meant to be a ritual”. Beats me!

The caller mentioned that sometimes, especially in cases like this, where evidence is glaring, jungle justice makes a lot of sense hence those residents should have lynched him straightaway instead of just pouring ash on him particularly after the little girl narrated how he abused her all through the night as she was quoted to have said Alu had “put his thing (manhood) in my bum-bum”.

What a messy world we live in.

Now you may want to ask, where were the parents or is it guardians in all of this drama? They should take most of the blame for letting that girl out at that time of the night.

It was further reported that after a test was carried out on seven year old Victoria at Mirabel Centre at the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, Ikeja, there was confirmation that she was indeed raped yet Alu who was arraigned before an Apapa Magistrate’s Court on one count of rape, pleaded guilty and was granted bail with a paltry sum of N100,000 with two sureties in like sum.

Hmmm! This is indeed a shambolically messed up world!!

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