Friday 29 July 2016


What in the world would lead a man who many thought had everything going for him, commit suicide?

When I heard that story many things ran through my head and I remembered Tee Billz and the story that made the rounds many weeks back on how he wanted to commit suicide but for the timely intervention of some friends who held him back from jumping over a reported bridge.

When many heard Tee Billz’s attempt at suicide, a lot of debated statements were heard and read on all the social media platforms. Some people attributed Tee Billz action to ‘depression’ but many others laughed it off saying ‘depression’ was not a “Nigerian thing”. Sadly the reality is here and so many eyes are beginning to get “opened” that depression is indeed not just an ‘oyibo’ thing but Nigerian and the world at large thing.

Many attempts at suicide are made on a daily basis all over the world. Nevertheless, it has become common and on the upsurge in Nigeria today. Thanks to not just the harsh economic weather, the lack of love for brethren and the many ‘show-offs’ on social media are also contributive factors to the upsurge as not many people can withstand the pressures.

Just yesterday, one of such attempts however fell through as a promising young man with a close knit family and according to very reliable sources has a good financial backing given his family background. He was said to be a happy, jolly fellow who was always the joy of every party and had nearly everything going for him including a good paying job, social life, family and more. As a matter of fact, he was envied by many. By the way, wife has a great paying job as well. Not even a health issue.

So the mind-boggling question is “why did he commit suicide”?

A close friend of mine who is also a friend to the ‘suicide guy’ narrated that he was actually in his (my friend’s) office the day before but had to leave him behind in the office to meet up with an appointment even as the ‘suicide guy’ stayed back given that they both work in the same establishment but different units. Unknown to my friend that was the last time he would see his friend and colleague alive.

The confusing part of the story is that he never gave anyone the impression that he was depressed or going through a ‘thingy’ that needed sorting out by suicide neither was there any inkling to shooting himself.  Worse of all, he had to go shoot himself in front of a Priest! Why? Nobody knows as at the time of writing this. However, the guy must have had a good reason, known only to him, for doing it in
front of a Priest. Nonetheless, there is no justification for shooting himself let alone in front of a Priest.

Even though many stories are buzzing in the air about the reasons behind the suicide, I still don’t think ‘suicide’ was the only way out. Even if he owed the Central bank of Nigeria millions, still was no ‘good enough’ reason to commit suicide. This life is sweet inspite of the numerous challenges jare!

Objectively, one would expect that the young man should have thought about his wife, daughter and some beloved members of his close and extended family who look up to him for one thing or the other, tangible or intangible. If he thought about all that and more, he would have sought out other means of getting out of whatever trouble he found himself and yet still be alive today.

Well the guy thought otherwise.

So my sincere prayers go out to his family and also that God would grant him eternal rest.

I decided to with-hold his real names here because the family is still trying to get their heads around this ‘real-life’ drama put together by their son, husband and father. And for all those who may be doubting the credibility of this story, please don’t kid yourself that ‘it’s a script out of a movie’ because it is not but as real as the pain you’d feel if you pinched your nose hard right now.

I wish it was a movie as well but it’s not as it happened right here in Lagos.

And to everyone out there going through one challenge or the other. Please do not make suicide an option to the list of means-of-getting-out.  

There’s still a lot to live for.

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