Thursday 14 July 2016


This picture post as seen on the left got me thinking and in as much as it made me laugh, it sure sent a lot of messages and stern warnings.

Honestly, let’s face it, how many people or persons have being helped by indulging in alcohol? There is none that comes to mind, not even from the ancient times till date.

Nearly everyone you can recall who got drowned in one form of alcohol or the other, had a price or two to pay. There were always consequences.
Many of us remember Samson and Delilah of the bible right? No need to go any further.

While growing up, the father of a childhood friend would embarrass him on a nearly every day basis in the compound they lived as he came home drunk every night and would insult the good out of anybody who dared challenged him including his son, my friend and the neighbours who eventually ignored him after several intervention of ‘settling’ issues between ‘father and son’ whenever they had issues pertaining his drinking spree.

There were nights, we heard, he would get too drunk to even get home so would sleep on the road till someone finds him the next morning and takes him home to the ‘disgraced’ family. However, by noon, he would be sober but would go out again later in the evening and you already know the rest.

It was a painful vicious circle for my childhood friend. Wonder where he is now, as we moved out of that town and never heard from them again.

When we read papers, magazines, watch Tv, listen to radio and every other social media platform, we get to know about celebrities who are now sober from indulging in alcohol.

However, alcoholism or alcohol addiction is not associated with celebs alone as the vice is found nearly everywhere, in homes, on the streets and societies at large. The reason why the celebs that are on sobriety are hounded by the press is simply because they make better news as celebs unlike the ordinary man as described above.

Who would want to read about a vulcaniser, or roadside shoemaker who drinks and gets drunk on a daily basis? Not a handful, if you asked me.

Alcohol can mar a man a million times more than make him. It comes with its burdens, unpleasant baggage and consequences thereafter.

When a man is drunk, he could maim, destroy or kill once enraged only to become sober once the eyes are ‘clear’ off the alcohol. Sadly the damages would already have been done.

Interestingly, for the ordinary man, if he chooses to change or amend his/her ways, it may be a lot easier than if he/she was a celeb as the many spotlight on him could slow down the recovery pace.

A few months ago when the figure of what was spent on alcohol in Nigeria between a certain period alone was published, my jaws dropped in utter shock, leaving me wondering “who drank all of that” knowing we are very religious with backgrounds where drunkenness is like taboo.

It wouldn’t be shocking to hear that many of the recent reported deaths between couples may be linked to fighting after excessive alcohol consumption because only very few persons can murder without being under some sort of influence especially when it comes to harming a loved one. It sure have to be under some sort of influence and don’t be surprised, alcohol would top the list of ‘types of influencers’.

Dear reader, if you or anyone you know is a huge ‘indulger’ in alcohol, guess it’s time to stop or tell them to stop and go sober.

Speaking of sobriety, a couple of celebs who have gone sober have said a lot about their experiences and have described it in different ways.

One of such celebs is beautiful Hollywood’s Kristen Johnson who has being sober for several years, described her philosophy on sobriety as thus “if pushing a peanut up a hill with your nose keeps you sober, well, then, just push up a hill with your nose”.

You just have to do all you can to get out of that dreary lifestyle as most of the time, it’s not just about you who gets drunk but about all those around you and the loved ones.

So if you care not about yourself, at least show some respect for those around and save them all the embarrassment. Just like Rob Lowe said on an interview with CNN in 2011, “You want to get sober for your parents, you want to get sober for your job, you want to get sober for the cops, you want to get sober to protect your image. A lot of good reasons, by the way, but unfortunately, the only thing that works is that you have to want to get sober for you.”

After all it is said that sobriety delivers everything alcohol promised.

Don't let alcohol dissolve the good in your life.

So get sober.

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