Thursday 14 July 2016


I woke up this morning and for some reason beyond any form of explanation or description, I just found myself smiling. Yes, smiling.

Despite the economic situation and whatever circumstance I find myself, I have learnt to continue giving thanks to God for his many little blessings while standing strong in the hope that with time he will do the mighty unspeakable miracles that will shut the mouths of the enemies completely never to reopen again.

Did I hear someone say “sounds like you are preaching today girl” *laughs*. Yeah! You can say that again.

I smile because no matter how bad you view your situation, go out there, see things and hear things, then you would agree with me that you have a lot to be thankful for after seeing worse situations of other people even though there would still be many others whose situations are far better than yours. Anyhow the case, I bet, you would still bless God for your life.

I don’t know about you but I still hold the belief that God indeed makes all things beautiful in His time. So with that at the very conscious point in my heart, I strive daily knowing that someday “I go hammer” like we say in our local parlance. 
As much as many of us may think that we are toughing it out given the present situation in the country, it is now very official that many people are already dying of hunger; hence for some of these lot, they would do whatever it takes to get food including stealing and ‘high level’ begging, a situation where supposed respected individuals in the society start seeking help from those who called them ‘boss’ in the past in order to get food on the tables for their now hungry families.

High level begging is no news as it has always been in existence. Many people call it ‘corporate begging’ but ‘high level’ begging is like two steps ahead.  Nevertheless, it has become very rampant, irrespective of what you call it.

Recall that I wrote about a well-dressed man who was begging to be bought some melon what we call “egusi” in order to cook soup many weeks ago. Right? That encounter left me wondering about the level of hunger ravaging the economy.

Now, that encounter of begging went sour in my mouth yesterday when I got robbed of my packs of ‘macaroni’ pasta at a superstore last night. Gosh! People are really hungry!!

Last night while on my way back from my ‘power walk’ routine, I stopped at a superstore to get a few items.

Before then, I had earlier bought two packs of macaroni from a smaller shop and then decided to stop at the superstore on my way since it was still opened to customers at the time.

Yours sincerely got to the superstore and was asked by the security to drop the bag of macaroni, which was very transparent in one of the opened lockers which I did.
Long story cut short.

After paying for my items, I decided to go pick my bag from the locker, then lo and behold! The bag and everything in it was GONE!

After much  talk by those in charge of affairs at the superstore. I decided to leave because they seemed as though they were heading nowhere near resolving the issue and besides it was getting very late already, so I left in anger.

However, this morning I work up smiling with the thought that even though whoever took that bag was very wrong in taking it, perhaps I saved a lot of people in his/her family from going to bed hungry last night because for anyone to risk getting caught in such a place for stealing two packs of ‘macaroni’ was a high risk taken. But then, it shows how hungry the situation. And so I forgive him or her knowing that my situation is not so bad after all.

Even at this very moment, I’m still smiling and thanking God for his faithfulness knowing I cannot be stranded.

You can do same by just smiling and thanking him in your heart as well, even as we pray for things to get better in the country.


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