Tuesday 10 May 2016

Hey Guys! Check The Butt Before You Get The Boot!!

A doctor was recently convicted and sent to Prison somewhere in the United States because some butt and breast implantation which he carried out on some female patient or should I say client went terribly wrong.

I hate to put up horrible pictures on my page but then I sincerely crave your indulgence this one time that you grant me the opportunity to share these pictures as seen here below on the right in order to drive home my points on this particular outing.

I have always held the opinion that there is no moral justification for any woman or even men to have any surgical augmentation on their looks especially if it has nothing to do with health or some corrective body issues. Any surgeries other than the aforementioned type of surgeries which would be non-other than cosmetic, in order to look like the next person who obviously was created to look exactly the way they look is sheer madness. I just don’t get it!

Apart from corrective reasons, I honestly think it’s a no, no, for any sane person to go under the doctors’ knives all in a bid to look ‘JUST PERFECT’.

Sometime ago, I had a huge laugh with a couple of relatives as we all sat out in their house while we listened to a close friend of the family as he narrated his experience and ordeal on the day he had a meeting with a lady he met on badoo, one of the trending social media platforms.

According to him, he had been chatting with the said lady back and forth for a while until they both eventually agreed to meet at a certain hotel on a date. The ‘D’ day came and they both had lunch or was it late lunch? Can’t remember vividly but sure they had a meal together. Anyway, that’s not the focus of the write-up. The bottom-line is ‘there was a meal’. *laughs*

This family friend who’s known for sowing very ‘wild oats’ is a married man whose wife has on many occasions had serious fights with him over his randy and wayward lifestyle to no avail. His standard of living which includes womanizing, smoking as well as excessive drinking in a way that even some other men who indulge in such vices would be shocked and even regard themselves as ‘saints’ when compared with the level at which this particular guy operates. To say the least, his excesses were really excessive!

Enough digression and back to the day of the ‘badoo meeting’ *winks* between these duo.

After the meal, they both checked into a room and it didn’t take long before an argument ensued as soon as the man felt the lady’s butt only to realize that her very ‘perfect’ looking butt was outrightly FAKE! It was at this point that my relatives and I burst into bouts of laughter and chorused “good for you”.

Ignoring our outbursts, he continued and said he was so infuriated as soon as he  realized that the butt was fake and thus immediately asked the girl to leave claiming that she had deceived him with fake pictures on ‘badoo’ and since he’s found out it was not the ‘real thing’ she should get out of the room.

On the other hand however, the ‘badoo’ lady wouldn’t hear any of that and insisted to be paid before leaving with the stance that he had wasted her day having spent the time she would have used to look out for a better ‘client’, hence he would have to pay for ‘goods delivered’.

The man said she was crazy, that the ‘goods delivered’ were not used and besides they ‘didn’t meet up with expectations’ and then added that the meal the lady had was enough payment for her stress of meeting with him at all.

Phew! The rest is history even though at the end of the day after much trouble, he still did not give the lady a dime as she left raining curses on him to the amazement of other hotel customers and staffs. I still laugh every time I remember that incidence. That he was disconcerted after the whole scenario would have been a miracle. He was very much unperturbed. I guess this gives you a clear picture of how barefaced this fellow is as a person. End of story.

A couple of years ago, while on marketing rounds as a banker, my colleagues and I got into a discussion after we overhead the news on the radio about a young Nigerian girl who left the UK where she was sent to study and travelled to the states to have a butt enhancement surgery but unfortunately died in the process due to complications. It was reported that when the parents heard the news of her death, they were so broken and wondered who or what could have encouraged their daughter to go carry out such a surgery.

We have heard of so many cases of butt, breasts surgical enhancements, liposuction amongst many other cosmetic surgeries that have either gone wrong mildly or ended up in fatalities. But then again, that has still not dissuaded people in their tens-of-thousands all over the world from engaging in such procedures.

Sometimes I feel it has to do with having excess money and not knowing how to properly utilize the funds or maybe it is due to very LOW self-esteem forgetting that silicones can never be as good as the ‘real thing’.

We can’t all have the same sizes and shapes. That would be boring, wouldn’t it? God knows why he created us differently, after all not everyone likes watermelon. Some people would opt for bananas, oranges, apple, even tiger nuts when offered the fruits. So why do we need to go through all the hassles trying to look like ‘apples’ when not everyone likes apple. Hmmm! It’s crazy!!

About a month or two ago, I read in an interview where a popular Nollywood hunk said one of the things that put him off is a lady wearing fake butts or boobs. I laughed and then asked no one in particular ‘then why do we (ladies) try so hard to impress with those since the guys you try to impress will eventually find out at the end of the day anyway?

Babes! From artificial hair to fake eyelashes, boobs and butt pads which are understandably accepted by majority all over the world today, we have become more and more artificial as the years roll by especially with more scientific discoveries by professionals who keep coming up with ways on how we can part with our hard earned cash for procedures which we, of a truth do not really need.

In all of these though, having to wear them and take off on a daily basis is a lot better than going under the knife to have some silly silicone put in you with complications later. 

On a lighter note, if you do not have any good ideas on how to spend your money, trust me, I know a million good ways on how you can utilize such funds and I bet, you will be glad you did.
Please ladies! Save yourselves all that ‘troubles incurring’ procedures.

For me, silicones sound really ‘silly’! My thoughts though.

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