Tuesday 24 May 2016


For all those who are trying to cut corners by soaking up in one form of slim tea or the other and expecting a shortcut or overnight loss of weight without engaging in one form of exercise or the other for at least 30 to 1hour three times a week; you are all dreaming and so I advise you wake up and smell the coffee. There is no shortcut to losing weight.

The saying that ‘you can’t eat your cake and have it” still holds so much water, enough to wipe off that sarcastic smile on your face whenever you are being wrongfully or should I, if English permits, say ‘scamfully’ offered one form of slimming concoction that would perform magic within a few days.

If all those things really work on their own, why do we still have so many ‘fat’ persons around us? Many of whom are trying so hard to get rid of the excess weight they have garnered in the wrong places over the years.

The truth is, we, including ‘yours sincerely’ are just too lazy to work out or make it a lifestyle of exercising on a daily basis. Work-outs are not in themselves interesting per say but you can make it interesting by putting a picture of the end result in your ‘mind’s eye’  and doing the exercises that you feel most comfortable in as long as you burn some fat breaking those sweats.

Also we need to be reminded that all of the razzmatazz you watch on fashion, style and healthy living channels are more of showbiz, in otherwords, make belief as you are only availed the opportunity of viewing a few success stories while most of the ‘sorry’ cases are rarely brought your way.

Have you noticed Lepacious Bose lately? I mean the Nigerian Comedienne. If you haven’t then I admonish that you take a closer look at the pictures here just in case you didn’t recognize her the first time.  
Nearly everyone is in the know that she has being seriously on a weight loss programme and the results can be seen in these recent pictures with Owen Gee another Nigerian Comedian.

I’m sure if you asked her, she would say ‘it has not being easy”. Sure we all know that nearly all good things, such as ‘weight loss’ does not come so easily.

Enjoy her new look!

For the rest of you out there, don't just drink the concoction, make sure you compliment it with some exercise as well. 

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