Thursday 19 May 2016


I keep telling anyone who cares to listen that “I’m a work in progress” in trying to defy that widely accepted cliché that every one of us has got that “I have arrived syndrome” going on in the heads of every human being once we achieve even the minutest step towards a great goal.

But then, I get laid back when everything, people, their words and actions say the very opposite on a daily basis thereby rendering me speechless most of the time when I am faced with such challenging moments of discussing on the topic.

Back in the 90s, I think the late 90s, I remember the boyfriend to one of my childhood friends bought this very clean white Lexus *of course after one maga had paid somewhere* and the guy came to town with the other yet-to-hammer guys singing his praise and how he’s arrived so soon. He was the BIGGEST boy who obviously then got caught in the ‘I have arrived’ net. That day and for the rest of the week, they drank courtesy of the ‘just arrived’ new Lexus owner who still had some cash to spare.

Looking back now, I laugh because that same particular car drove past me today on my way to the office and guess what? It was loaded with tubers of yams headed towards Anthony obviously coming from the popular mile 12 market at Ojota.

Such is life! I wonder if ‘biggest boy’ got another car again after that or that was truly his ‘arrival’. Never heard from him again but I should think he’s somewhere more matured now and shares the opinion that in this life “everyone is a work in progress” until the very last breathe.

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