Friday 5 August 2016


Recently, I read a post which was published online by sciencealert around August in 2016 and it read: A study in post-menopausal women has found that the more sugar and refined carbohydrates they ate - such as white bread and pasta - the greater their chance of developing depression.

On a lighter note, I asked if that could be one of the reasons why a lot of people have committed suicide lately? But then, the report says 'post-menopausal women', how come 90% of the time it is the men who have been reported as either 'attempted suicide' or 'committed suicide' due to depression? Beats me!

Anyhow, that's by the way. 

Many persons who have only just known me for a very short while not to mention all those who have known and have also become very close acquaintances for many years are no strangers to the fact that I’ve always HATED bread, especially white bread with a ‘beautiful’ passion.

Yes, ‘beautiful passion’ because in as much as I detest it including a few other pastries made from flour, I still find myself eating it. Why because we do not have so many choices of food available.

You will only find me eating bread if there were no other mostly “quick” alternatives whenever I’m in a very hungry state. And as a matter of fact, one look on my face while eating it would tell the entire story that ‘yours sincerely’ is really eating “under pressure” for lack of better words to drive home my points.

I do not like bread because apart from blocking a person’s system for days which is unhealthy, it makes a lot of people, including me fat.
Back in the days, as an undergraduate, I ate a lot of meat pies for lunch, we all remember how school life was, right? Rush out of one lecture, grab a soft drink and meat pies at a nearby joint for a couple of minutes and thereafter you are off again for another lecture till the end of the day when you get back to your room.

On some of those days, having had a drink and meat pies during the day, ‘yours sincerely’ may still end up eating bread with what I termed “concotioned macaroni” which was very rich pasta with tomatoes, pepper, eggs and sardines. Now you are wondering ‘who does that kind of eating? Macaroni and bread! Yeah right because only then did eating bread make sense as the very delicious ‘macaroni’ was a huge distraction from the thought of eating the bread.

Wondering how I ate such combinations, right? Worry no further because even I who did eat the combies back then, is also wondering how I ate it as well and to think that I remember eating the ‘combies’ with so much relish is what amazes me the more. Can’t imagine me eating it now. *laughs*.

Hey! Before anyone paints the wrong picture and also for the records, just know that I was not a ‘broke ass’ babe as I had EVERYTHING required as an undergraduate so don’t go thinking “EYAH! She ate the ‘combies’ due to lack of funds.

Okay, with that sorted and out of the way, I am here to say that now I eat bread with some relish without a single trace of being “under pressure” anymore.

Amazing and you may want to ask ‘why’ or ‘how’.

Why and how because I found a better way of eating bread, which is with loads of veggies and water without it clogging my system and most importantly I found a new brand of bread in town and unlike nearly all the other brands, this one is not just rich, soft, clean and fresh, it is also well packaged in an hygienic environment and of course very affordable even at this time in our country when bread has become the almighty GOLD!

And the taste? So good in the mouth that you can’t help but ask for more once you take the first bite. Hmmm Yummy!

From the sardine baked, to the sausage bread roll and even the plain which would not require you adding butter or any spread before eating as they all feel the same richness and of course very tummy friendly.

My point is, eat bread but then don't eat without veggies and loads of liquid as from the look of things, bread has come to stay as it remains 'Almighty Gold' in nearly every home around the world.

So do I still hate bread?


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