Friday 5 August 2016


With the rains here now, mosquitos are sure having a fields day/swell time with many Nigerians on the losing end as malaria hits after the mosquitoes’ feast. The mosquitos have being chased out of their hideouts where they obviously have been hibernating in their thousands or  millions for a long time but have now launched out to deal with many who cannot afford sleeping nets or good insecticides, repellant or fumigation on a regular basis.

That is the lot of many in my country as we speak. Oh I meant ‘read’.

A few days ago, I decided to get a new can of repellant having not slept a wink the night before due to the ever buzzing and a few bites from ‘mosquidragons’. So, on my way home from work, I stopped at a supermarket and asked for a particular brand of insecticide which has proven time and time again ‘over effective’ on mosquitos than any other tried in the past.

Sadly, I was disappointed after a few minutes of going round the store only to realize the desired brand was in stock but only in a much bigger content can and of course more expensive without even a single regular ‘smaller’ can in stock.

We all know how ‘sweet’ the economy is at the moment *winks* in terms of cash flow. So I made a quick mental calculation and decided even though unenthusiastically to settle for another very popular brand which was cheaper as I needed to buy other needed items for the home.

Interestingly, the popular brand eventually bought, used to be my favourite until I discovered this ‘my sought after’ brand even though people still consider the popular brand a most effective one as not many have realized how effective my ‘sought after’ brand is with its odourless form unlike the smell from the popular brand which gives me headaches even long after it has being sprayed around the house.

‘My sought after’ brand sends mosquitos away and on exile without reserves around the house even though not many people know it for now yet everyone who have been introduced to it can attest to the fact that it is indeed a brand to be reckoned with.

Enough said already on the brand. Name will be revealed once the company credits my bank account. *smiles*.

Back to my story.

And so I settled for the ‘popular’ affordable one but that was my own undoing as ‘yours sincerely’ did not still get to sleep any better than the night before the purchase as the popular brand bought repelled NOTHING!

Feeling really bad and almost depressed by the next morning with the thoughts of how my desired brand should have being bought if only I had added a little to the amount used in purchasing the popular brand, I no doubts would have slept better as all the mosquitos would have gone to ‘roast’ without any apologies from my sought after brand. It was a case of ‘penny wise, pound foolish’, right?

While I was contemplating on buying the sought after brand the next day irrespective of the amount, it then occurred to me that there should be a few mosquito nets in the house which were bought to be used but were never touched because nobody welcomed the idea of nets over their beds at the time I brought them home so I guess they were simply put away without even opening one of the packs.

And so, like a dedicated soldier at work, I went into the closets in search and within a couple of minutes, “voila” I was out with four packs of treated mosquito nets and so without bothering myself about the disappointed looks on the faces of the rest of the family, I tore the packs open and gave an order for them to be aired outside till I returned from work and of course when I returned home later in the evening, they had no choice but to assist, even though reluctantly,  in setting up the nets on the beds.

My testimony in all of these is that, I have being sleeping like a baby EVERY NIGHT without even the slightest buzz or a single mosquito bite since the ‘nets went up’. Now I truly understand why World Health Organisation has being promoting the use of these nets, especially the treated ones in order to kick out malaria. I always felt the babies, children and nursing mothers alone should be forced to use them. Honestly, it makes a lot of sense for EVERYONE.

Don’t get me wrong on the use of pesticides and insecticides. I’m just espousing that we can actually save ourselves some monies and the troubles related to consistent inhaling of the chemicals used in producing these repellant as they remain in the air long after being sprayed notwithstanding the fact many a times some of these mosquitos surmount them. Laughs.

What am I reiterating?

Like the old time religion, use mosquito nets. Avoid too much exposure to insecticide as considerably as you can. Save your health and of course save your money.   

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