Thursday 12 November 2015


Someone said “Devil don (has) suffer(ed)”. Now *laughs* I can depict that look and hear you scream “WHAT the hell are you talking about?” right now. Yeah, you bet I can. Before you go getting upset, that was exactly the same way I reacted when I heard it.

What do you expect? Why wouldn’t the person utter such statements when everywhere/every time an offender is caught, he/she attribute it to be the fault of the devil? There are some things people do at times and you will not need anyone to tell or convince you that the so-called ‘devil’ had no hand whatsoever in it.

Trust me on this one. There are some things that the devil will not need to bother about making you do as it’s already a habit that is in you and so without discipline, you do them and thereafter blame the devil for it.

Or how would you explain a man raping a two year old girl and then says “it’s the devil’s fault” when he’s caught. My God! A lot of men are dirty PERVERTS. I said ‘a lot’ because we still have ‘a few good men’. Count yourselves lucky, all those who have some of those ‘few good men’. *winks*

Now back to the matter.

Every day we read on the papers, social media and even hear by word-of-mouth how men abuse children including toddlers and teenagers in Nigeria, Africa and all over the world on a daily basis and it is fast becoming a norm. The most painful part of these stories is that nearly all cases are carried out by those supposedly ‘trusted’ family members/friends who the parents of these children trust to a fault that these abusers ‘can rarely hurt a fly’ talk less of hurting the entrusted children under their care.

Few weeks ago a woman raised alarm when she realised that her neighbour who is a teacher brings home pupils every day to have carnal knowledge with them until he was caught. Two days ago it was news about a 56year old man who had been consistently raping a 13year old girl who he was supposed to be counseling. Today it is a 50year old man and a 2year old baby! A baby!! A harmless, innocent baby, which every sane human being ought to protect.

The ‘IDIOT’ (I say this without apologies) who raped the baby said he was under the influence of an evil spirit and went on to say “even as I am standing before you, I do not know what came over me and what had really happened. Someone came to my house and told me something serious was going to happen to me but I did not take it seriously.”

This is a downright RUBBISH excuse! The evil spirit did not direct him to go patronise a prostitute who will charge him little or no-fee to satisfy his urge. People make all kinds of excuses for their devilish choices and heap it on the devil. He already had it (pervert/pedophile urges) in him so he should not blame it all on the devil.

I get really ANGRY and MAD when I hear such. Okay, let the devil take the blame as well when he gets hanged by his ‘hell-bent’ Pen*s. And may the authorities take out his testes/balls and feed him with them while he’s still hanging by is Pen*s. Let the authorities do same to all sexual offenders maybe it would deter others.When I say sexual offenders must be punished, I do not in any way mean only men. The women who also abuse little boys and girls (lesbianism and trafficking) should also be severely punished as well.

A lot of you will say “it’s no longer news to hear such as it happens every day”. Another group of people would say “there’s nothing we can do as it has always been happening from the days of our forefathers”.  

I know it does happen every day, because a lot of cases are left unreported. But be that as it may, must we allow this to keep happening? What do we do about it?
Once again, I concur that it has been from time immemorial, but we can help to gradually reduce this menace by paying more attention to our (and even our neighbours’) wards/kids. Don’t just leave them (boys/girls) in the hands or under the care of helpers, uncles, aunties, even fathers as we have heard cases of fathers who also sexually abuse their children.

Teach your children to speak out and let you into happenings in their lives as this will help you see warning signals on time. Remind them on a daily basis that they can talk to you on ANYTHING. Answer their questions on sex so that they don’t get the wrong answers elsewhere.

Again, this crazy trend of parents dressing up little children in provocative (adult-like) clothes for events or any form of outing should be completely STOPPED.                                                 

Enough said already! If you have more to add, then with all pleasure, be my guest!!  

And don’t forget REPORT ANY SUSPECTED CASE and help that child.                                    

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