Wednesday 18 November 2015

Dieziani And Her Present State

I feel terribly sad, really sad. I feel this way first, as a Nigerian and secondly as a  dynamic  human being who's got a heart, not just a heart but a good one at that.

Why did I start off this way? You may likely want to ask.

The recent pictures of Dieziani Alison-Madueke which has gone viral on social media is a pointer to the saying that "nothing really lasts forever"  (and I'll add) except God Almighty.

One would never believe that those pictures (as seen below on the right) belong to the same Diezieani who was always looking impeccably beautiful while in office.

I still find it hard to believe and if she's really as the pictures tell and not Photoshopped then it's true what they say about cancer being a real DREADED/DREADFUL disease. It is at this point that I say SAD!

I say TERRIBLE because after reading so many comments of Nigerians on this issue on social media, I was alarmed at some of the derogatory and cold-hearted  thoughts from many individuals and was even more alarmed when the few who prayed for Diezieani's healing were severely insulted by those angry number of Nigerians who have obviously drawn battle lines with Dieziani (and her supporters) for her alleged involvement in corruption and siphoning of funds while in office.

And hey, just so you know, I am NOT one of her supporters neither will I castigate her until she's proven guilty by the Court with well documented evidences that she's indeed guilty of the charges levelled against her.

Like one of the commentators said "I pray that she gets well so that she can come and face the corruption charges". I presume without any doubts that Diezieani would really like that instead of the state she's found herself at the moment.

But wait a minute, like one of the comments read "how come she was never sick while in office until now?" That gives you food for thought isn't it?

Now check this out! I read sometime ago that worry is one of the causes of cancer and also can very well corrupt the healthy immune system cells in the body while facilitating the spread of the cancer. 

This I presume to a large extent answers the above question. I deduce while Dieziani was happy in office and thus was able to manage any form of stress properly, she was on the other hand able to suppress and control the cancer which I suspect (based on her present looks in the pictures) must have being diagnosed long before now.

Now tell me, why wouldn't she have suppressed it all the while? Who wouldn't be happy at all times given the positions she's held these past years? She was made Nigeria's minister of transportation in 2007 after being the first female Director of Shell Petroleum Company in Nigeria and also became the first female President of OPEC in 2014. Hmmm! Diezzy baby!! I guess she earned all of it though. 

That tells you that happiness is truly a medicine just as the bible says "a merry heart doeth good more than medicine". There are days when you are so happy doing things that you only realise late into the evening that you forgot to eat any food all the while.

The fear of being probed after former President Goodluck Jonathan left office may have shot up uncontrollable  stress hormones in Dieziani which very well made the cancer cells more radical leading to the state she's in at the moment coupled with the effects of chemotherapy which she must have undergone a couple of times now.

Need I say more, I just wish her to get well and overcome all that she's going through presently. In as much as I detest corruption and all those involved, I don't wish her dead even as she's come out to say she never 'stole any money'.

And so (if you are really sick), get well soon Dieziani!

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