Wednesday 11 November 2015


President Muhammadu Buhari sure knows how to burst some bubbles!

Can you imagine? Just when some people were gearing up to attend the swearing in of Ministers today  Wednesday the 11th of November 2015, Buhari comes up with the directive that each Minister is entitled to have two guests in attendance.

Haba! This limitation to two guests per Minister is a whole lot different from the norm which used to entertain loads of friends and relatives of those being sworn into offices in the past. As if that was not enough, by today he's shrunk the ministers from 29 to 25. (News for another day).

Now tell me, what would happen to all the 'Aso-Ebis' which must have being bought/sewn by the (no doubts) numerous intending guests of the Ministers that definitely would have included, friends, foes, cousins, in-laws, friends of friends of relatives, former school mates, and the list could go on and on. Would they rather have a bigger party after the swearing in?

Wait a minute, would they be any after party? Didn't the President say there shouldn't be any jamboree of any sort? I presume that "jamboree" includes not spending on any party after the inauguration as Buhari had warned against any form of flamboyance. Or what do you think? Hmmm!

Watching the on-going swearing in ceremony of the Ministers into the federal cabinet live on TV as I write this article, I see a hall that is well filled with all the seats taken by those in attendance which to me looks good enough for any inauguration ceremony of this sort. Not rowdy at all, thanks to Buhari.

Looking at the crop of Ministers, I'm wondering what could be running through their heads as they take their oaths. Certainly Buhari's warnings he gave during the retreat he had with them last week such as "no foreign travels except duty-related and even at that, I must approve all such trips. No more flamboyance but must work within lean resources. All vehicles in your convoy would be reduced to cut cost. Comply with civil service rules and regulations and avoid conflicts with permanent secretaries as any infractions will be punished according, etc" would all be resounding in their heads even as the inauguration of the federal cabinet is on-going.

I can only picture one funny/stern expression on Buhari's face that must have said  'if you forget the rules at any point, take (as he hands over copies)  'read/consult your copy of the civil service rules and regulations book I've given to you at least you all know how to read better than I do. *Laughs* That was just my mind running wild.

If Buhari truly had that stern look, I can assure you that all the Ministers would be having in their 'minds' eyes' is that look and the warnings that came with it.

Ask me if I envy these Ministers and the answer would be capital NO!

No because, Nigerians are complicated when it comes to ruling them so is the country and the kind of politics practised. I'll rather have my peace of mind and my cup of coffee everyday without bothering about who is after me or which tribunal I'm going to face because at the rate things are going, as long as you hold a public office in this country, once you miss a step, hmmm, according to my people in our beautiful parlance/vernacular YAWA MUST GAS YOU!

So here's wishing our new Ministers the best, hoping that  they truly do things differently and not just differently but take better decisions and actions in order to make life more meaningful for Nigerians. It is only then we (Nigerians) would thereafter believe that truly the campaign for CHANGE was not just a slogan but a promise achieved at the end of the day.

And so Nigerians are holding onto the Ministers to do well even as Dr. Chris Ngige, said: “We are going to block areas of leakage, retinue of aides and  large convoys of cars are things that will not fly in this administration.”

And for all those who could not attend the ceremony due to the "limited number of guests" directive, just relax and keep watching from home/shop/office/anywhere like I am doing right NOW!

And maybe, just maybe. You may still wear that Aso-ebi (despite the 'lean resources') at the end of the day for that after party *winks*. That is, if you pray hard enough. 

Like always, NO HARD FEELINGS!

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