Monday 30 November 2015


It's with a heavy heart that I write this after seeing this picture (as shown on the left) on a friend's facebook page which was apparently posted by one Shofela Segun Alaba on the 26th of November, 2015 with the caption  "NAFDAC, PLEASE HELP US IN NIGERIA". We sure do need serious help.

Can you beat that, we are still in 2015 yet a silly and evil person is already circulating drugs with manufactured date of 2016!

Nigerians are dying on a daily basis and doctors both here and abroad seem to be running out of ideas on how to treat majority of the sick including those who run abroad for medical attention as more and more of them end up returning home as cargoes or just get buried in overseas cemeteries.

Now the disturbing question is "how low can we go just to make money at the expense of lives or how wicked can you (the business man/woman) be just for the big account?

Many years ago, I watched one of these nollywood movies of how nemesis caught up with a big businessman, acted by the late Peter Bunor, when his child died as a result of taking fake drugs thereby becoming a victim of  his own doing as he was the brain behind the importation of the drugs.

You know what I took away from that movie?

There is this popular saying "adoma do bodi" meaning when someone plans evil for another person but ends up being the one getting hurt at the end of the day.

Sometimes when the devil wants to mess you up, he messes you up 'BIG TIME' and you'd wish you never started on that line in the first place. In the mentioned movie which starred Peter Bunor as the businessman, he had made so much money from the importation of fake and expired drugs for many years and of course with so many lives getting lost in the process.

For these number of years, he did a good job of keeping his family away from all forms of fake and expired drugs by making sure nobody got any medicine for the family other than himself.

Alas! On this fateful day while he was away from home, the child took ill and the wife ran across the road to a chemist opposite the house and got drugs which she administered but the child grew worse and as soon as the father (Peter Bunor) got home, he almost fainted when he saw the drugs but on a second thought, grabbed the child and rushed off to the hospital but unfortunately the child still died.

So that was a case of  "Adoma do bodi".

Now like the caption "NAFDAC PLEASE HELP US IN NIGERIA", I'll like to say here that NAFDAC has a whole lot of work to do as Nigerians are dying 'AVOIDABLE' deaths as a result of the proliferation of fake, adulterated  and expired drugs in the country as painkillers are now fast becoming KILLER DRUGS.

And for you the EVIL business man/woman, remember that when you throw a stone in the market place, it most likely would hit one of your own.

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