Thursday 30 March 2017


For some reasons which I cannot even explain, I have refrained from writing about this Dino or is it Jonah Melaye’s saga because I have too much on my plate already. But then I couldn’t  help but had to take time off my plate to post this very interesting read by one Philip Orebiyi which I lifted off a friend’s facebook page.

"At first, it was not a thing for me to touch, as I considered Dino a nutcase, still a nutcase, but a necessary evil, in the midst of more deadlier evils, lurking in our corridors of power.
Still not a subject for me to dwell on...
Well, except for the fact that the whole thing about making Dino both a scapegoat and a distraction, simply touched a nerve and it is just as good to give it back to those of the low grade Buhariholic Ogogoro beverages, that they should rather Mind The Stones They Throw....!!

Ti a ba s'oko l'oja, ara Ile eni ni n'ba!
A random stone, thrown in a place large enough space, like the market place, would often land on the head of a kinsman.
And those who live in glass houses, should also know better, Not to be given to throwing arbitrary stones, either.

As Dino Melaye has now "produced" his university certificate, it becomes pertinent, important and pivotal to cleansing the Aegean Stable, for Buhari to also Produce his own little secondary school leaving certificate, too!
What is Good for a Dino Melaye is even better for a so called "Mr Integrity", Muhammadu Buhari, to now, WITHOUT FAIL, produce his WAEC certificate, even though vital sets of Integers have been so missing in his CV, for decades......!

The Senate in this case, simply put to Use, Their Constitutionally Entrenched Powers of oversight functions, to summon the Vice Chancellor of the Ahmadu Bello University.
That the VC has now come unto The Floor of The Hallowed Chambers, to testify that a certain Senator Dino Melaye properly graduated from the University, is vital, to the process of Nation Building.

This oversight function, the Senate does possess to also SUMMON ANYONE, AND WITHOUT FAIL, as a Legislative Summons is of Equal WEIGHT and GRAVITY, As with the pronouncement of the Supreme Court on summons, to which NO COURT OF LAW CAN UPTURN.
Therefore it becomes Absolutely Pivotal on The Senate of The Federal Republic of Nigeria, to, of Immediate Importance, summon, Mr Muhammadu Buhari, to the Floor of the Senate, to formally tender his secondary school leaving certificate, as required by Law, for him to be eligible to parade himself as the president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

The Senate of The Federal Republic of Nigeria, should also summon, as a matter of Urgency as was in the case of Dino Melaye, the Registrar of the West African Examination Council, to also tender to the Senate, if it has in its records a valid certification that a certain Mohammadu Buhari ever sat for the second school ordinary level examination.

And why you could ask, are all of these prayers, important now, even after 2 years of the March 28 presidential election of 2015!
Simply this...
Nigeria has come to that stage in our tortuous journey of mono-directionless movement of the ethnic slavery, religious bigotry, unequal opportunities, Inequity in appointments, Iniquity of Imbalances, and subjugation of Justice kind, with NO MOTION...!
And a little thing being a little thing, is as important to getting it right as if it is a huge thing!
Bishop Alexander Babatunde of Ibadan said and I quote:
"A little thing, is a little thing;
But Faithfulness in a Little Thing, is a Mighty Thing!“

From whom much is Given, so also much is Expected!
Dino Melaye has been cleared.
The next logical thing to do is for Muhammadu Buhari to also clear himself.
Muhammadu Buhari, is no more than one citizen that has been given some votes by which he becomes the servant of the people to serve them.
Therefore, Buhari must also be made to go through this same process...!

God Bless The Federal Republic of Nigeria!"

By Prince Philip Orebiyi

Wednesday 29 March 2017


The other day, I was on my way home from work which was a late evening, just before nightfall. I looked to the car on my left and saw about three kids at the backseat struggling to fight off sleep while the man who obviously was a paid driver given his clothes, struggled with traffic as he kept trying to maneuver from one lane to the other in a bid to get ahead the rest of us.

My concern wasn’t about the driver but was rather 100% geared towards the poor kids who definitely would have left home in the early hours of the morning courtesy of parents who also may have rushed off to work as well.

I don’t know how many of you remember or encountered the days of morning and afternoon school sessions? The days where parents, especially mothers would PROPERLY get children ready for school with very good homemade meals as breakfast and not the junk which many feed kids in a hurry these days.

Back in the day, some of us went to school in the mornings, got back home before the next group would be on their way for the afternoon/evening sessions.

Then most of us who attended the morning sessions were much younger than those who went in the afternoon and everything was fine until things started changing gradually. And trust, lunch would also be waiting for you as all of these would have been prepared in the morning by dearest ‘mummy’ before she left for work. We were well taken care of and properly raised ‘homed’ kids.

In the parts where I grew up, you get home from school, rest a bit, do homework, wash your uniform and then at 4pm when the sun is not so harsh anymore, you are already at the lesson centre and of course your brain would be willing to assimilate most -I say most, not all- of the things you are taught. By 6pm, lessons have closed, then you may or may not hang around to have a little chat with friends for a while but before 7pm, it is expected that you are already home. And of course, most parents would be home from work by the time you got home and thereafter family life is observed. Then we had more intelligent children who didn’t have to spend so much time on social media learning all sorts including the ‘make and mar’, yet most of us turned out great in life.

Sadly, today the reverse is the case. Children stay in school from morning till night, some of them still require extra extra coaching before many of them can pass simple exams without any ‘hanky panky’ yet they spend all day at school; doing what? You may be tempted to ask.

It is in this same era that it has become a norm for parents to not only have to pay for children to get jobs but would pay for children to be moved from one level of class at school to the other until he/she gets the degree/certificate and some of such parents sometimes boast about how much they spend in doing these even when it is very glaring to all that the child is a ‘nut head’.

So the begging question now is what went wrong? How did we get here? What do you think happened?

I guess it all started with the evening lessons and when some teachers realized that they could make better pay by setting up extra mural classes. I also suppose things started going wrong when ‘real’ teachers were no longer interested in teaching given the poor package called ‘salary’ and welfare from both the government and private schools thereby leaving the very humble profession for those whose main objective is ‘money making.

We had teachers whose main intentions were to groom future leaders and well-mannered children. They taught us not just academically but morally and it was left to you to adhere or not to adhere.

There was respect both at school and at home. You would walk on the streets and be greeted by children of unknown faces just because they acknowledged that you were older just by merely looking at you, so would pay their respects even if they didn’t know you from ‘Adam’.

Today, we find so many private crèches’, primary, secondary schools and even universities with many a times outrageous fees where all they teach is confusing (British nor American) phonetics and put in the heads of the children the mentality that their lives/futures are insured just because they attend such schools.

Private schools spring up in different corners everyday yet we are having more educated “illiterates” who even when they get into leadership positions become more corrupt and insensitive to the plight of the masses than those who they earlier complained about before they themselves assumed power thereby proving once again that ‘you can’t give what you don’t have’ as the leaders are truly from amongst the same crop of masses but unfortunately become ‘mini gods’ once they assume office.

It has also become a case of many petrol stations in the country yet we are threatened with fuel scarcity on a daily basis and even more a case of many churches and mosques in any available space across the country, yet immorality is thriving and getting on the increase on a daily basis. That is a topic for another day.

How did we get here?

Many people would say or attribute it to westernization, social media, family values that have gone sour and more. The list is endless hence could go on and on for a long time.
But then again, have you played your role as a child, parent, individual, family, teacher, proprietress, proprietor, organization or government? Be honest.

I have to stop here for now while you ponder on what has been said so far. Will continue the piece on a later date as a sequel to this and so it’s ‘bye’ for now.


It saddens my heart and no doubts the hearts of many Nigerians and of course non Nigerians at home and abroad to hear that a healthy delivery man who works with an online marketing platform, leaves home for work one day in pursuit of his daily bread only to be gruesomely murdered by some hard-hearted miscreants who supposedly asked for some ordered items to be delivered to them.

Can you beat that? How do you explain such an avoidable death to the family of the victim? How wicked can humans get? The questions can go on forever.

The real truth of what transpired between the killers and the victim on that day apart from the details given the police is known only by those involved and God alone.

Again, this incident has put fears in the minds of customers and potential customers alike of how insecured one can be when it comes to these online business dealings.

It amazes me how a man who cannot even give life to something as small as an ant or even a mosquito would easily snuff life out of a whole human being. A man just like himself as though, he, the killer can even add a day or more to his own life by taking the life of another.

Yes, we’ve heard this kind of story before now of how security guards kill their bosses and bury them in soak-away pits or septic tanks; how a man would kill his wife and dissect her privates or how a man would kill a child he was supposed to take to and fro school having received money from ritualists. The list is endless but the question is, how long can we go on like this or how long can we continue to allow this happen as though it is a norm?

Too many unanswered questions and no hope of finding answers in the nearest future as truly all we really are in this world are mere humans but no humanity.

Tuesday 28 March 2017


Over the weekend the hospitality industry added to its already blossomed list as it berthed a new one in the form of a hotel ECHO SPRING around the Ejigbo, Isheri Oshun axis in a bid to giving the people there and its environs the opportunity of encountering excellent leisure services when it comes to hospitality without having to look too far outside their environs.

According to the visioners behind the birthing of this new hotel, ECHO SPRING is an ultra-luxury hotel designed for the most discerning guests while offering personalized attention to each of them as it is envisioned to occupy in no distant time the prime seat in the hospitality and leisure industry in not just Lagos state, Nigeria but the entire West African sub-region and beyond.

Echo Spring Hotel’s model is dedicated to exquisite quality and heartfelt service for guests who desire comfort/luxury within their reach irrespective of the customer’s choice as the distinctive interiors that incorporate the finest luxury and comfort you can possibly desire is present in every room giving a most welcoming ambience thereby proffering that home-away-from-home encounter.

The hotel has well equipped meeting space for a maximum of two boardrooms for conferences.  It also boasts of Banquet facilities for local catering and social events giving not just accommodation for meetings but also a haven for event planners who seek luxury, accommodations characterized by exceptional service, quality finishing and meticulous attention to detail even as it offers an intimate and secured environment with the facilities expected of the world’s finest hotels.

Did I also mention that it has a Restaurant with a reflecting contemporary upscale concept coupled with fitness treatment facilities as well as a Bakery for freshly baked bread, pastries and more?

ECHO SPRING HOTEL as the name implies no doubts echoes ‘world class’ in its simplicity not just for the first-time visitors but also for regular callers as you would agree once you visit the place which is located at Hotel B/Stop along Isheri/Oshun/Ijegun Road, Jakande Estate, Isolo, Lagos.

Who says heaven cannot be experienced on earth? Then, visit ECHO SPRING HOTEL and find the answers.

 It’s truly… luxury and comfort within your reach.