Wednesday 15 March 2017


Not too long ago, I was going through a list off a friend’s page on the ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’ in a workplace environment and one of the ‘don’ts’ struck a chord within me and a song of remembrance began to play in my head and certain incidents which happened  many years ago, as in over a decade and a half years ago came to mind.

Before I go on, a paragraph as cited below on the list read:
Never be too dependent on a colleague. If you have a colleague who has a car while you don't have one and go your direction, don't always make it a point of duty to follow them every single day of the week. You get a salary and part of the expenses you need to incur is your transportation so don't be too miserly. Even though the need to save is understandable, don't make anyone believe they are doing you a huge favor. There's nothing wrong if you decide to take public transport even while your colleague is heading towards your direction. That way they will not only respect you, but also realize you can do without their favors.

Now let’s go on.

Many years ago, while working in a services providing firm, I had a colleague who would give me and about two other colleagues a ride home every day as we all lived in the same part of town at the time so it wasn’t like we were taking him off his route. He did take us for a couple of weeks without complaints until one day when he started complaining about fuel and some other things I can’t even remember now.

After several complaints which we initially laughed about, one day during lunch break, I met him alone in the canteen and he brought up the issue of fuel and how it was eating into his ‘pockets’. We talked for a while and then I agreed to support him by giving him some money every week as part of my contribution for the ride and also asked him if he could talk with the others but he refused and said one of the other two persons had said she wouldn’t give him a dime after all she wasn’t taking him off his route. Knowing the kind of person that lady was, I just advised him not to bother with her as she was known to be very nasty by everyone when she chose to, so he let the issue slide.

Everything went on as usual until about two weeks after our discussion when the guy strolled into the office and when he was asked if he drove, he said “no” and when he was asked why he didn’t, he said it was cheaper for him to come by public transport and besides he couldn’t continue giving free rides while others saved their money and above all, get insulted whenever he complained about how much fuel the car was consuming. He continued to work by public transport and interestingly on the days he drove, he would sneak off before the close of work just so nobody would hitch a ride with him *laughs*. On a few occasions of such sneaks, he would hint me that he was leaving so I could hurry up, nevertheless, there were days he would be gone even before I got out for fear that I may have hinted the others if I took a few minutes longer than he could spare in waiting.  The trend continued until he resigned not too long after to start his own business. Just wondering where he is at this moment.

Now fast forward to a couple of months after the guy resigned, some of us were offered loans to buy cars but ‘yours sincerely’ had plans to leave before the loan was offered so did not take it. However that same lady who was nasty to the ‘resigned’ guy got the loan and bought a car so it was her turn to give  ‘free rides’ to those who lived in her axis.

Not too long after, drama started which was just after a couple of rides and our ‘queen nasty’ started giving attitude and complaining worse about the same things the former guy used to complain about *laughs*, did I hear anyone say “karma is a b**ch”?

It didn’t take long before everyone stopped hitching rides with her as you would get not just insults but more annoying remarks before you get to your destination, so the best thing you could do was either get used to having your ears filled with insults or stopped hitching and so I chose the latter and I was free from unnecessary remarks until a new way of life, by way of another job came my way.

So I was done with her but not without learning the lesson as stated at the beginning of this write up that one should “Never be too dependent on a colleague. If you have a colleague who has a car while you don't have one and go your direction, don't always make it a point of duty to follow them every single day of the week. You get a salary and part of the expenses you need to incur is yours transportation so don't be too miserly. Even though the need to save is understandable, don't make anyone believe they are doing you a huge favor. There's nothing wrong if you decide to take public transport even while your colleague is heading towards your direction. That way they will not only respect you, but also realize you can do without their favors”.

Trust me; never be too dependent on your colleagues!

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