Wednesday 29 March 2017


It saddens my heart and no doubts the hearts of many Nigerians and of course non Nigerians at home and abroad to hear that a healthy delivery man who works with an online marketing platform, leaves home for work one day in pursuit of his daily bread only to be gruesomely murdered by some hard-hearted miscreants who supposedly asked for some ordered items to be delivered to them.

Can you beat that? How do you explain such an avoidable death to the family of the victim? How wicked can humans get? The questions can go on forever.

The real truth of what transpired between the killers and the victim on that day apart from the details given the police is known only by those involved and God alone.

Again, this incident has put fears in the minds of customers and potential customers alike of how insecured one can be when it comes to these online business dealings.

It amazes me how a man who cannot even give life to something as small as an ant or even a mosquito would easily snuff life out of a whole human being. A man just like himself as though, he, the killer can even add a day or more to his own life by taking the life of another.

Yes, we’ve heard this kind of story before now of how security guards kill their bosses and bury them in soak-away pits or septic tanks; how a man would kill his wife and dissect her privates or how a man would kill a child he was supposed to take to and fro school having received money from ritualists. The list is endless but the question is, how long can we go on like this or how long can we continue to allow this happen as though it is a norm?

Too many unanswered questions and no hope of finding answers in the nearest future as truly all we really are in this world are mere humans but no humanity.

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