Thursday 1 September 2016


Dear September, it feels good to wake up this morning only to find out that you are here already.

Already’ in the sense that we just celebrated Christmas a couple of months back and with the memories of last Christmas still lingering, you have caught up with us, once again taken us by surprise and bringing the ‘mber’ months to our faces whether we have achieved anything or not these past couple of months. Who are we to hold you back? Sure we can’t! laughs.

Nevertheless, September, before you take full ownership of the month, let me first of all thank August for listening to the Almighty God by delivering some of the blessings assigned to us and many of our loved ones. So August, thank you even as you take your leave.

Hey wait a minute August! Inspite of some few blessings delivered, we must express our grievances by letting you know that some people witnessed some form of pains, shame, losses, disappointments and more. Some people committed suicide while a few others attempted it due to one form of hardship or the other. There were cases of adults defiling and abusing children, we hope that September will visit destruction upon all the unrepentant paedophiles and many others who indulge in vices which have negative effects on innocent people. And so August, we admonish that when you return in the coming year 2017, please do better by coming with more than enough blessings that you brought this year and exclude all of the pains. Now you can leave even as the sun gets eclipsed for a while today, take all the pains with you.

Now back to you September. Interestingly you are starting off with an eclipse of the son according to forecast, so let’s assume it’s a good sign of you wiping off the pains and hardship of last month hence starting on a clean slate. We do not want cries, pains, losses, shame, disappointments, failures; you already know the rest as the list can go on and on. Just know that we DO NOT want any of the experiences on that list.

What we want in this month is celebration of new babies, birthdays, weddings, admission in schools, graduation, new jobs, promotions, house warming, new cars, visas, breakthroughs, contracts, and all the good things and occasions of life. The list is endless and you know them so just bring only the goodies so that at the end of the month, we will be able to say “hey September! You sure did a good job and so see you again next year, 2017” while smiling with hope.

September, hope you understand all I have said so far? May you be truly a good "September to remember". And on that note I say “Hey everyone, welcome to a blessed month of September! *smiles with hope*  

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