Friday 2 September 2016


Just when we were gearing up to eventually shout “hurray” when millions of Nigerians and other Africans would have access to free internet courtesy of the very humble and young 6th world’s billionaire, Mark Zuckerberg some ’Space X’s’ launch failure” is reported to have destroyed the satellite that would have brought this much anticipated ‘hurray’ sooner to our lips.
Trust a real ‘big boy’ Mark as all that was reported about his reaction according to sciencealert, was that he was  "deeply disappointed" by  the SpaceX prelaunch test explosion that destroyed his  first satellite for Facebook.

Wow! *My eyes rolling*. A project worth as much as $195 million, convert that to naira and tell me if you don’t get a headache, especially at this era of how much to a dollar. Even some calculators would go “out of rage” given that amount. All that money, just gone down the drain. Just like that! Was this some form of sabotage or what? Imagine the number of communities that amount would feed for the next couple of years.

Nevertheless, we are consoled in the fact that our “hurray” may still be heard as Zuckerberg has assured us that they would still remain committed to their mission of connecting everyone and would keep working until everyone has the opportunities the destroyed satellite would have provided and this according to him will be made possible by other technologies which they have developed such as Aquila, the company’s drone project that will still connect people as well, having been designed to provide high speed internet.

Hmmm! Talking about always having a ‘Plan B’ in all projects we embark upon. Thank you Mark!

And so while we wait, let us keep managing our data, pending when this ‘miracle’ from Zuckerberg manifests or materialises.

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