Thursday 1 September 2016


I asked a young lady, Shalom to put on paper, her thoughts on the present economic situation in the country and she wrote thus:

Our economy fluctuates more than the power situation in our country. From the devaluation of our currency, to the labor market getting tighter and inflation of prices on everything.  We are aware that the devaluing of our currency started in Babangida’s regime and ever since it has been hard to give our currency the value that used to be placed on it. 
However, corruption in my own opinion is one of the major causes of our economic meltdown. Let us quit putting all the blame on our leaders and face the fact that we as citizens of Nigeria also play a part in the instability of the good will of our country. We citizens have accepted whatever the society throws at us and by this the economy keeps getting worse.

I mean the price of crude oil has dropped drastically and the fact that our country is solely dependent on oil has affected the economy a great deal. Left to me the only surviving people in this country are the higher class people, the merchant class are managing while the peasants are in despair. This is sad, what happened to the Nigeria where everyone was comfortable and didn’t have to worry about the fact the economy could decide not to favor them tomorrow?

The bad part is even regular commodities now have their prices hiked just like the price of tomatoes that got inflated. To make matters worse people are being laid off en masse from their jobs because organizations can no longer afford to pay staff and as if that is not even enough there are more unemployed people than employed people. I mean how are people supposed to survive without money and in this situation where the exchange rate is ridiculously high and the prices of everything are getting inflated. Apparently only few people have stable jobs in Nigeria.

I would like to agree with a lot of people that our present leader, President Muhammadu Buhari is doing the best he can, but let us not forget that he is trying to mend Nigeria almost from scratch and there is only little he can do. But if we the citizens of this country put our hands together to see to the progress of our country then Nigeria can be fixed, it might take a while but we would go a long way in making our country a better place to live in. If we determine to make this country better then I assure we would be able to build this country up again.

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