Wednesday 21 September 2016


Imagine driving down a road, then running out of petrol in the car, you decide to stop by a gas station for a refill only to be told that you cannot buy because that station is only meant for members of a high-networth club, what would be your reaction? Especially if that's the only station on that stretch of the road?
A roadside gas station, exclusively for high-networth-individuals, that is, the wealthy will soon be made available across the united States, US, by Guess Corporation and it will be strictly for the GP Club members,  a recently announced venture from Guess Petroleum.

Hmmm! talk about the already wide gap between the rich and the poor still getting wider and wider on a daily basis.

This gas station will offer sleeping suites, hair salons and more. If you carried out a survey, many would no doubts say “that is simply a hotel”.

According to a publication from Mansion Global, One of the reasons for embarking on this new idea according to Guess Corporation is the notion that there is just about little or nothing luxurious about roadside accommodations especially for high net worth travellers hence the need to change that and it is assumed that GP Club would proffer the change desired for these travellers.

On the one hand, in as much as the targeted clientele will be focused on the nouveau rich, on the other hand, being extremely rich will not be enough  guarantee  that one would easily gain entrance into the GP Club even as Guess Corporation vice President Tiffany Taylor,  explained that it is only after an applicant’s assets are determined, via referrals from industry professionals such as private bankers or real estate brokers, including a review of the potential members application by a local membership committee  will membership be considered. She also revealed that membership will be limited to households with net-worths exceeding $50 million including an annual membership fee which will also be required to be paid by members.

Guess that shouldn’t be a problem for the high-networth individuals. If they can afford to meet up with the requirements of joining the club in the first place, they no doubts would be able to pay the annual membership fee which would definitely be on the high for even the a-little-above--rich-individual to consider.

One quick mention is that the gas station would also have a medical facility, should there be a need for any medical attention. This much anticipated project when completed will from the ‘mind’s eye’ perspective be like or compete with a boutique hotel, if not even better.

It’s a nice idea, but…. Well you never can tell with projects until completed. And for this one, we look forward to hear about the service experiences and encounters from the customers.

Until then, let’s just keep our fingers crossed.

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