Monday 7 March 2016


During last Sunday’s church service, which was mothers’ day as celebrated in some parts of the world, the Pastor of the church which I attend, before praying over the women and mothers, reiterated that there is nothing good about a broken home or marriage and never in history has it ever happened that a woman was applauded or given an award for making her home a hell of a place to live. 
That warning made me recollect what I read online a few days before about Khloe Kardashian of the Kardashian dynasty who was reported to have said on the program Kocktails with Khloé  that she would never be unfaithful to her partner in any relationship she finds herself because of the negative impacts infidelity had on her parents, Kris Jenner and the late Robert Kardashian.

When I saw that report, it was with an ‘hmmm’ sigh and I thought “this sounds really good coming from a Kardashian” Before you take a ‘misunderstanding’ seat, let me straighten the statement just in case you got it all twisted.
Given the trend of broken relationships/marriages due to one form of infidelity or the other which is fast becoming or now even a norm in Hollywood and the other ‘woods’ in the world, celebrities now have the reputation of ‘who cares if this relationship ends as soon as it starts’ so it comes as a shock to hear some of these same celebs say they would never cheat on their partners especially from the ones who have had very controversial relationships in the past.
Khloe said during the program that the breakup with her former boyfriend James Harden  happened because James “wasn’t committed” and went on to talk about how her experience given her mother’s infidelity destroyed her father who died of cancer in 2003 after breaking up with the mother, Kris Jenner in 1990.
According to Khloe “I saw how it destroyed my dad... I saw what it did to my dad so I don't want to do that. I also saw the regret from my mom."
Who knows, maybe Robert would have made a few more years if he didn’t get divorced. Like they say “happiness has a way of suppressing illnesses and diseases”. But then, it’s too late now even though Kris who is now in her sixties has acknowledged that cheating on her husband at 30 with a producer was her “biggest regret”.
A lot of regrets come after every form of cheating. When it happens between just dating or married couples, regardless the type of relationship, as long as there is commitment to one person, once the other cheats, it breaks a heart gravely and most of the time such heartbreaks never get mended.
Interestingly, sometimes even after such breakups, some of these people still maintain relationship with their ‘Ex’ while some others just end up ‘sworn’ enemies.  
Back to Khloe Kardasian, let us take an example using her relationship with Lamar Odom. The duo still remain friends even after the collapse of their marriage. Khloe had also said on Kocktails that they both have a good relationship notwithstanding Lamar’s unfaithfulness and she proved their friendship when she took time out for Odom while he was hospitalized even though she was already in a new relationship at the time.  
On her relationship with Lamar, she said "People can say whatever they want about Lamar, but our relationship was so unbelievable. The good outweighed the bad … I still have only great things to say about him. I want Lamar to be happy with his life. I feel like that is my role” even as she concluded that Lamar has also set the bar very high for future relationships.
Hey ladies! Isn’t that sweet? There’s a thing or two to learn from KHLOE on this!!

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