Friday 11 March 2016


We all love events, parties and all hence there are some invites you get for an event that would get you excited and also there are some you hear and you are like “is this invite for real”? 

Let’s analyze this circumstance together. For instance, in a place where there is severe drought with more than 90% of the population hungry, the President of such a country decides to have a party that gulped as much as $800,000 with an expected guests list of about 50,000 people yet all around you, that President is hunger and then you get an invite to attend a lavish 92nd birthday party of such a leader who has not only ruled for about 36years but has not also made mention of a successor so far inspite of his failing health. 

How would you react to such an invite?

In Nigeria we’ve had problems with past administrations and even now, we still have our own share of problems with the government of the day but then it is nothing compared to what is happening with Zimbabweans under their current administration.

Their President, Mugabe who is without any comparison the world’s oldest President/leader, has just turned 92 and reports had it that inspite of the hunger all around him, his loyalists  planned a huge party with concerts, street parades and parties in Masvingo in the south-eastern part  of Zimbabwe.

More heartbreaking, according to Local media report was that teachers and villagers in the rural regions of Masvingo were put under pressure and ordered by party activists to make cash donations regarding the party. 

Did you expect the citizens not to react?

Of course all of these led to protests on the Tuesday leading to the event as young placards carrying supporters from the main opposition party Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) took to the streets with their placards which read “No birthday when children are starving” and “We want jobs, not bashes.”
Anyone could deduce that, going by the words on those placards, the people were not asking for too much. Every able-bodied youth need jobs and will not stand to see so much money go to waste when there is hunger on the prowl.

So one would ask, “How comfortable is it for a leader to go to bed at night after such a lavish party when the people all around are in dire need of food”? I really don’t get it!

Imagine a child, who was born 36 years ago, don’t you think he/she is eligible enough for government?
Now, it’s time for the matter at hand and away from the party/jamboree issue. The question on the lips of many is “where is President Mugabe”?  

As at the time of writing this, many people were just speculating and wondering where Mugabe is at the moment. There’s been conflicting reports about his whereabouts.

On Monday the official Herald Newspaper reported that he, Mugabe, left Harare for India however about three hours ago, News24 reported on the contrary as his former information minister Jonathan Moyo was quoted to have tweeted on Thursday: "[Mugabe] did not cut short the visit in India but cancelled the trip to India!" adding that "Not being in [Zimbabwe] does not mean he is or was in India!"

Hmmm! So where is Mugabe?

Zimbabweans have also taken to social media asking the same questions on his whereabouts and some of the even comical with hashtags such as #BringBackOurBob. *laughing*.

More amusing is the tweet by a popular Zimbabwean blogger @CynicHarare, which read:  "MISSING: Elderly man who left home on Monday saying he's going to India, but was still to arrive there by Thursday!".

African leaders, the time for change is now. And when I say ‘change’, I do not mean in the negative but positive change is what I’m talking about to better the lives of the citizens. Being President shouldn’t be for a lifetime.

Lest I forget, I think Mugabe should come out from ‘hiding’ and get a successor! It’s time!!

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