Wednesday 2 March 2016


The Oscars for the year has come and gone so quickly.  Yeah! If you didn't know, now you know!!

Though it happened since the weekend, a lot of people are still talking about how remarkable the just concluded event went as one of my ‘all-time’ men Leonardo DiCaprio, 22 years after his first nomination for an Academy Award as best supporting act in ‘What’s Eating Gilbert Grape’ finally got an Oscar.

This for me and I know many others, was already so long ‘overdue’.  That is why even though other people got awards as well, the still trending and most talked about awardee for the night is none other than the ‘super’ looking Leonardo DiCaprio.
Sometimes, especially during such award ceremonies, while watching I painstakingly hold myself back from screamimg ‘Ojoroh ’ meaning “this is cheating”. Since nobody especially the organisers of the event may not get to hear it and even if they do get to hear, we know it wouldn’t have any impact on whatever the outcome of the next award turns out so I practically save myself all that trouble by keeping shut and glued to the screen as the events carry on every year.

And so it was sheer joy to finally hear the name ‘LEONARDO DI CAPRIO’  not just as a nominee again but called out as best actor  at  the 88th Academy awards ceremony held over the weekend for his  role in the epic survival movie ’The Revenant”.  

It was obvious that nearly everyone at the event and even those who were watching from across the globe expected to see him go home with an award as fans were all over social media with high hopes for him to win for weeks up to the event and of course he was given a loud applause and standing ovation by the attendees even as he stepped out to receive his award. *I could only imagine the millions of butterflies dancing within him as he mounted the podium*.

I could have sworn he deserved a few Oscars before now for his exceptional roles in some movies such as ‘Titanic’  ‘catch me if you can’ and a few others but every year that went by, the organisers and those who voted always thought otherwise. I’d hoped all through the week before the night of the award that he finally gets the long awaited Oscar and even said to a friend on a lighter note that “I would write Leonardo an open letter to give up on the Oscars if he didn’t get any of the awards this time around”   luckily, he won and so I would send him a congratulatory message in its place. 

There’s a lot to learn from this win by Leonardo and one of which is “no matter how many times you’ve tried and failed, do not give up on that dream, just try again”. For a lot of people, after trying something out a few times, they give up trying but not so for Leonardo who after six nominations, five for acting  and one for producer of best picture nominee “Wolf of Wall Street”, he still did not give up.

Leonardo DiCaprio, the environmentalist who also sent out a tweet thanking “the Academy and the incredible cast and crew of “The Revenant” and the organisers of the Oscars”  had on the issue of climate change quickly said It is happening right now. It is the most urgent threat facing our species, and we need to work collectively together and stop procrastinating” while receiving his award.   

After his win, speaking to reporters, he said "I feel very honoured, to share this has been an amazing experience, to sit there and talk about the film. I also got to talk about something I have been obsessed with *the environment and climate change* on a platform with hundreds of millions of people watching worldwide."

Once again, it’s “CONGRATULATIONS” to Leonardo and may you win many more Oscars in the years ahead!

And to all those who are still pursuing one dream or the other, May all your dreams be fulfilled at the end of the day.

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