Friday 4 March 2016


The race for the White house is getting hotter and of course Obama would be having a field’s day watching events unfold as all those running to take over from him jostle to outdo one another.

One of the front runners, Donald Trump after massive criticisms from some party leaders, went hot and vulgar on his rivals on Thursday during the Republican debate even as the conservatives brooded over accepting his acrimonious candidacy or disrupting his march to the nomination.

Trump had during the debate while hitting back at Rubio who had made mocking remarks on his hands being small, said “Nobody has ever hit my hands, he referred to my hands. If they’re small, something else must be small. I guarantee you there is no problem” even as the boisterous crowd laughed and booed. “

Rubio while trying to exonerate himself accused Trump for casting the first stone saying “Donald Trump has basically mocked everybody with personal attacks,” thereby getting Trump on the defensive who then retorted with several insults while talking over his rivals saying on one of the instances “You’ve defrauded the people of Florida, little Marco”.

Hmmm! Never knew Donald Trump was this mouthy until the campaigns started.

Interestingly, in as much as the attacks on Trump from his fellow contenders are flying from every angle on the debate state, each of the candidates including Senator Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Ohio Governor John Kasich have nevertheless affirmed that they would give their full support to anyone who eventually emerges the party’s nominee.

On the 15th of March, Florida the home state of Rubio will have their votes but there are fears that Trump may take the day there as he already leads by polls and if that happens, it could have a massive negative effect on his chance to the nomination.

On the other hand, Kasich who according to the people “seem to be the adult on the stage” opines that rather than focus on personal debasement and ‘scrums’ as recorded on Thursday, the race should focus on ‘important policies’ even as he struggles to remain relevant in the nomination contest which is becoming fiercer by the day..

From all indications, Trump the business mogul who only a few days ago emerged as one of the world’s richest as reported by Forbes is obviously gliding towards becoming the party’s flag bearer as other voters have pledged their allegiance to rally round Trump irrespective of how it turns at the end of the day.

Guess who also got himself on Trumps firing line as a result of some of his very hash criticisms while lambasting Trump as unfit to emerge President on Thursday?

It was none other than Mitt Romney, who said nominating Trump would assist Hillary Clinton of the Democratic party to emerge winner and had also in a speech at Utah while admonishing the people to vote the other candidates said “Donald Trump is a phony, a fraud” who according to him “is playing the American public for suckers” and unfit to be America’s President.

Trust Trump to always have answers for any attacks. He has on several occasions insisted on being the only one capable of defeating Clinton, according to him, “I have not started on Hillary yet, believe me, I will start soon.” In response to Romney, Trump called him a “choke artist”  “begging” for endorsement having lost to Obama four years ago. And Kasich on the other hand did not help matters as he acknowledged that even though Romney still has some elements of power within the party, he however added that “Mitt Romney is a great guy, but he doesn’t determine my strategy”.

Cruz who also to an extent seems to be on the same worrying page with Romney insists that “the stakes are too high” for Trump to emerge the nominee, with fears that Clinton will eat him alive ahead of the November election given Trump’s legal problems with his closed university and his financial contributions to Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign which according to him would spell huge trouble and asked the viewers, “Is this the debate you want playing out in the general election?”

Taking the sides of Cruz, Steve King a House Republican told AFP that it is wrong for a party to disintegrate forcefully with the aim to stop a popular candidate was not the answer and also added that “We should not change the rules just because you don’t like the person that emerges in the leadership”.

Trump when asked by Fox news representatives on why he changed some of his political opinions such as on the Iraq war and admitting Syrian refugees, Trump defended his ground-shifting saying “I have a very strong core, but I’ve never seen a successful person who wasn’t flexible.” He thereafter went ahead to reverse his own immigration plan, saying he now supports an increase in visas for highly skilled foreign workers. “I changed my tune,” he added. Rubio however cut in saying “There’s a difference between flexibility, and telling people whatever you need to get them to… do”.

And so while we await results from the upcoming votes, here is closing with a trending note from a supposed late relative of Trump's.

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