Wednesday 27 March 2019


In the past or back in the day when there was still some sanity left in the society, when you see a 19 or even 22-25 year old , you could still say “hey! Can you   go on an errand for me” without any fears of getting insulted or objections. Then the answer was always “yes ma/sir” even though you’d just be a few years older, it didn’t matter much then as he/she would go on the errand without complaints and deliver to you before running off to do his/her thing.

Sadly, nowadays, what do we get?

You can’t even reprimand a teenager without getting a sarcastic response. Oh what am I even saying? Did I just say teenager? My sincere apologies.

Now let me rephrase. 

You can’t even scold a 6-10year old child let alone a teenager without having to contend with sarcastic answers to questions you’ve not fully completed the lines of asking in the first place.

How did we get here? Especially in our once “well-behaved” African society.

These days one is confronted with pictures of teenagers paraded on television and all over social media after being caught as suspects in one form of robbery, kidnap, rape or ritual cases. Teenagers who should still be home running errands for their many innocent parents are being paraded on television as suspects/criminals. It’s so sad.

This is one reason why “community parenting” should be taken up as a matter of great concern. Situations where we have to look out for each other’s child thereby quickly call a child to order once he/she starts to derail. But then, community parenting comes with some baggage so the question is are ready to deal with that little baggage as parents just so we’d keep our wards on the right path of life?

Candace Cameron-Bure, an American actress known for her role in ‘Full House’ as D.J. Tanner won my heart during an interview with Wendy Williams not too long ago. Candace said her daughter who’s in her 20s still seeks her opinion on pictures (whether they are appropriate enough) before she can post them on social media. Awww!

For me, that coming from Candace tells a lot on how much she’s invested on her kids. Valeri Bure is a lucky husband and father! I mean, we are talking about a girl in her 20s yet some other kid who's barely a teenager can seldom be talked to let alone seek his/her mother’s opinion on what to or not post on social media. For the latter, it’s a case of “post right away! Who cares”? 

What am I trying to say here? 

We really need to do something about this generation of children/youths else the future would definitely become more disastrous and we would all be blamed for it. Therefore do your job right now as parents or guardians now that we are still here.


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