Wednesday 10 July 2019

If you take a good look at all the beauty products in the markets today, including multivitamins, nearly all of them have as one of their essential benefits “slows down aging process” or say “anti aging” and then ‘boom’ everyone including men and women go for the products.

And I’m wondering “so nobody wants to get old”?

Unfortunately, nobody is getting out of this world looking the same way he/she was born or a 60year old looking like a teenager no matter how hard he or she has tried or tries in maintaining the “aging process” with all sorts of supplements or cosmetics.
A good example is to take a good look at the beautiful plantain you bought today, no matter how hard you try to preserve it, that plantain would still change overtime if you don’t use it. Hence the best bet is to make use of it while it’s still in its finest form so as to get the best out of it.

So is life and aging!
Many pray to live as long as possible and most importantly look as good as possible while life or aging process does its own thing as no one can stop that course.

However, one of the ways of remaining in good health apart from popping those multivitamins into your system including pampering yourself with the best of cosmetics is the ‘total avoidance of stress’ in any form.

What is stress? And what are the sources of stress? That’s a long focus for another time.

Till then, just hold on to this that ‘stress is anything that makes you unhappy’.  So avoid anything or persons that make you unhappy.

That would be all for now

©Stella Ene – Inyang

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