Monday 25 March 2019


A warm happy new year to all of you out there even though it’s almost three months gone already. Hmmm, how time flies. Just yesterday we all shouted “happy new year” on the 1st of January.
Nonetheless, let me still wish everyone a very “warm happy new year”. Did anyone just say “yeah right? Here we go again, it’s another year”? If yes then it means you understand why I used the word “warm”.

Yes, the year 2018 was a very “trying” (with emphasis) one for many as in ‘very many people’.

‘Trying’ or ‘challenging’ not just in terms of making ends meet as in cash, but was both challenging mentally and emotionally for many individuals and families.

In business, especially for entrepreneurs (mostly young and fresh ones) it was like passing a camel through the eye of a needle. In the end, a lot of businesses folded up while others (including some already long established ones) almost followed suit but for grace and elastic doggedness which kept them just ‘hanging in there’ many of them almost lost their minds whilst trying to hold their heads and businesses above the stormy economic waters in the country.

Mentally and emotionally, many relationships crumbled as deception could no longer hold the midpoints of these relationships. The saving word for the ones that remained was “grace”.

Depression and suicide (attempts inclusive) became the order of the day leaving loved ones behind with a plethora of unanswered questions.

Domestic violence, children (male and female) abuse was part of daily news and happened nearly in every community with many still not reported till date for fear of stigmatization.

The most inhumane one was that of robbers/kidnappers who took their vices to another level by going ritualistic with the stealing of female undies thus making even the most innocent at heart their victims all in the name of money making.

Oh! 2018 was horrendous to say the least for many. Sadly even the politicians did not make it any better. Hmmm! Let me just spare us the (no need to remind us) details.

However in all of the aforementioned, it was still a memorable year for some group of persons as they had reasons to celebrate a few success stories (here and there) in the course of the year. Babies were born, weddings held, cars were bought, musical hits were recorded (from new and existing artists) so were deals signed, some people opened new houses while some others had successful surgeries, and many more. Most importantly, the country did not go up completely in flames.

Hmmm 2018! That year!! Thank God you’re gone for good!!!
We pray that 2019 will indeed be a good year and thus make up for the many losses of 2018.

Once again, happy New Year folks! *winks*  

By the way, did any of you make new resolutions this year? And how well have you held up?

Stella Ene - Inyang

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