Tuesday 7 June 2016


How many of you would sit and watch someone poo in the toilet while you watch and genuinely still laugh and joke about the stench coming from the poo?   

Or how many of would laugh over a partner’s fart when you guys are cuddled up in a room? 

How many of you would rather make sure your partner has the car while you hitch a ride or go by public transport to work? How many of you would get worried and panic when they say there is heavy traffic on third mainland bridge just because your spouse takes that route? 

How many of you would rather let your partner have the only meal in the house for the night and go hungry in his her place? I could go on and on with the ‘how’ questions?
The saying ‘marry your best friend’ which some people feel is an overemphasized cliché is still to millions of people around the world, including me, a saying that would continue to hold a ‘lot of water’ for even the unborn generation.

Without any apologies or mince of words, you CANNOT falter that saying.

No one needs to be told that the rate at which divorces are carried out on a daily basis around the world, it confirms that 99% of those marriages were not based on true friendship. These divorces confirm Friedrich Nietzsce’s words that “It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages” which I strongly agree with him.  

The truth be told. Every true relationship starts with ‘friendship’ there is no ‘jumping-the-gun’ here. 

Before you start talking about loving a person fit enough to spend the rest of your life with, it HAS TO BE someone who makes you laugh or smile. That someone when you are together, you can be yourself and be honest with each other no matter how embarrassing there be. He or she can let you be a fool and not be disgusted because both of you end up laughing over those things. Someone who can make you feel like a child again when you are together thus confirming Darlene Schacht’s thought that “when you marry your best friend, you bring back a little piece of your childhood”

As best friends, you share the good news and the bad news together and the next thing you hear even when it is bad news is “so what are WE going to do about it” even when you are just friends.

That for me is TRUE friendship.  And it points to a kind of love that even the deepest, darkest of waters cannot in anyway dilute. So I would say “marry that friend”. That kind of friendship will not speak ill of you. I can say again and again that any marriage based on such a companionship is bound to last for a very long time.  

When you marry your best friend, nearly everything you do together will be fun all the time even when it has to do with doing the laundry, dishes or cooking; it will be fun. And because you know each other so well, everything you dream and embark upon would seem like an adventure even when/if they turn out wrong decisions at some point.

Life is always better with your best friend. Both of you can just be together all alone in your world, away from the stress of reality and talk for hours without getting bored and you could find yourselves telling each other things that you have not told another soul and yet feel free to share between yourselves.

That is your soul mate. And if you are not yet married, never let them go and happiness will always be your companion.

I laughed after reading somewhere that “marriage is getting to have a sleep over with your best friend, every single night of the week”. Hmmm! That sounds really romantic right? So why waste it. Marry your best friend and that ‘every single night of the week’ will be forever. Don’t make the mistake of ever inviting your best friend to your wedding because once you do that, it means you are surely getting married to the WRONG person. Don’t make that mistake.

Come on everyone, let’s curtail the high rates of divorce by marrying our best friends and people who truly know you and are willing to love you all the way. It honestly will stop the silly melancholic feeling by some people who see marriage as some sort of jail.
Now you have it. The best marriages are based first of all on true friendship and true friendship includes trust, honesty and the likes which sums up the four letter word L O V E.


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