Monday 27 June 2016


It is vile expression for people to say that young man, the banker who was alleged to have knelt down for Fayose begging, given the pictures which went viral last week, ought to be ashamed of himself and according to many, mainly the male folks “he has fallen the hands of men”.
Hmm! Hypocrisy runs wild in our society and one wonders when it’s going to end, that’s if it would ever end. People talk a lot of gibberish stuff when making comments on issues relating to others and it is so easy for them to make very ‘uncalled for’ as well as unrealistic “if I was the one, I would do blah blah blah” this or that just because they are not the ones in whatever that situation may be at the time.

And so the man knelt down? Yes. Why? Because he was trying to save his job. Simple.

Again, a lot of other people had the guts to say, why didn’t he just resign instead of stooping so low? And my question for such people is “how many of you have had the guts to resign from that underpaying job, abusive job and what have you? I can imagine a lot of them recoiling back in their shells right now because of being hit by reality questions.

I am more disappointed in those women who have posted more hateful statements in the order of the aforementioned men. And I feel pity, to say the least for such women. What do most of them know safe for driving around in cars, parties, visiting spas and gyms courtesy of the hard earned money from their spouses?

If only a good number of such women are aware of the kinds of things their ‘precious’ husbands go through on a lot of their so called ‘executive position’ jobs just to make keep the home front together, then I bet you, many of these women would have a rethink on what they say whenever they hear about a man who knelt down in public for his benefactor.

I’m so sticking with that guy any day, but it hurts to see his picture going viral and whoever took and uploaded such, should have his/her knees ready because like they say, “it rains everywhere” meaning we all get our shot at things in life, one way or the other.

As a former banker and from every angle, bankers, especially of the new generation banks, kiss asses all the time *excuse my French*.

As a banker you are subjected to a lot of ‘begging’ and even ‘worshipping’ of customers who most of the times enjoy such pampering and ‘ego’ massaging, just to keep your job.  And sincerely speaking, the banks don’t give a ‘hoot’ about how you get the huge deposits or big customers as long as you get it in the long run. That’s all that counts. It’s the sad truth and reality, so deal with it.

I have on several occasions witnessed senior colleagues and even friends in many of these new generation banks do all sorts of ‘ego massaging’ in many ways such as kneeling down, rolling on the floor, going on stupid errands, buying of unaffordable gifts and many more just to please some of these clients or else get threatened with “I will move my account to another branch” or “I will close my account and move to another bank” and I assure you, no banker wants to hear such threats because they know it could have serious ripple effects which could eventually result in the loss of their jobs if care is not taken.

So what does the poor banker do? Of course he/she has to keep licking the boots of the ‘always right’ and ‘difficult-to-please’ customers and then when they get tired of such ‘ego massaging’, a lot of them resign and sadly because there are few job opportunities out there, many of them if care is not taken, give up on life out of frustration or, should I say ‘depression’?

And so, my heart goes out to that young man who was pictured kneeling down begging. And to all those who think they would have done otherwise, pray, just pray you never find yourself in such circumstance.

I know many people would be wondering why the said pictures are not here. Yes it was deliberate because I feel it has gone viral enough.

And to all the men who go through so much to put food on the tables of the ‘good, the bad and the ugly’ wives, I say a big “WELL DONE”.

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