Tuesday 28 June 2016


Infertility will continue to be a big issue as long as you have couples who stay several years trying for a child to no avail. 

It breaks every couple when they try conception for several years, yet medical consultants keep trying to find out the underlying problems even as the couples are most times declared healthy yet the problem of infertility still persists. It grieves the heart greatly.

I stumbled on a site recently and what caught my attention was the number one way out of the six ways mentioned about how men diminish the quality of their sperm and so deemed it fit to share hoping that it may help a couple of people out there if they stumble on my page.

According to what was gathered from the report, it is recommended that everyman should avoid stress as much as possible and maintain a healthy lifestyle all the time as being unhealthy, coupled with fatigue and stress could have adverse effect on the quality of sperm which is one of the reasons for infertility.

Also part of staying healthy includes keeping the testicles cool, when I say ‘cool’ it means at least 4 degrees cooler than the rest of the body as the sperm count would be affected if the temperature becomes too high.

Now for all those men who drink too many bottles of alcohol per day, it is a ‘no-no’ as that would be too much for the sperm to handle even as smoking is also a ‘no-no’ if you want very good quality sperm. Smoking according to health experts causes erectile dysfunction and a decrease in the flow of blood to the privates and as a guy smokes his chances of experiencing such dysfunctions increases.
One very interesting one is the caution against the habit of men who keep their phones in their front pockets. It is advised that since the radiation and vibrations from the phones can decrease sperm count up to 9%, hence the phones should be kept away.

The most informative was the number one caution for the avoidance of plastic bottles and cans that contain Bisphenol A, which would hereafter be referred to as BPA.

Some people may be wondering what is BPA and how does it affect *on a lighter note* “the price of fish”?

It does affect in a lot of ways, if you asked me.

Now take a seat for the very SHORT eye opener on BPA.

BPA according to PLOS Genetics acts as an endocrine disruptor thus men should avoid bottles and cans that contain the ‘disruptor’.

BPA is a common chemical used to harden plastics by manufacturers. Unfortunately, as harmful as they say it is, it is found in nearly everything we use on a daily basis by professionals and nonprofessionals alike. It is found in items within and outside the homes including offices and market places. Just name it, from baby feeding bottles, medical devices, entertainment devices and even the lining of canned foods and drinks and many more products that come our way on a daily basis.

Worrisome, isn’t it? 

From all indications, it seems everyone has got some level of BPA in them as long as you use any of the aforementioned products.

Before the year 2010, the United States Food and Drug Administration had held that BPA was safe until it expressed the concerns after some studies that BPA could have negative effects on the brain, behavior, and prostate glands in fetuses, infants and young children.

Now how does that affect you?

Now you know better.

Let’s avoid BPA as much as possible as we can. Make deliberate efforts!

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