Friday 11 December 2015


Irony of life!  Hmmm!! While many Nigerians are still busy looking for words to continue ridiculing the immediate past President of Nigeria Dr Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, other nations are looking for him to share his experience in office with a global wider audience, which is to present the keynote address at the forthcoming 2016 Hope Global Forums conference holding in Atlanta, United States sometime in January.

For those of you who may be wondering 'what the heck is the conference all about'? The Hope Global Forum is an annual event where leaders, business professionals and public policy officials from many countries come together in their thousands to think out as ways of improving the social and economic well-being of  peoples around the world.

It's now a case of  'no matter how bad a child is, there must be something to learn from his/her bad choices'.

It will be recalled that in 2015 with over 3,000 leaders from 40 countries present at the event, former American President Bill Clinton also performed a role similar to that which Jonathan has now been designated to perform.

According to reports, the invitation letter which was jointly signed by Operation Hope Global Spokesman, Andrew Young, the mayor of Atlanta, Kasim Reed as well as Operation Hope Chief Executive, John Hope Bryant urged the former president to attend thereby lending his support to an entrepreneurship mentoring programme, even as he shares his experience in office with the large number
of attendees which will include Tim Cook, Apple chief executive; Jack Lew, US treasury secretary; Robert Rubin, former treasury secretary, and Clinton Foundation vice-chair Chelsea Clinton..

 Part of the invitation letter:

"As some one recognised for his leadership and vision in Nigeria and abroad, we are personally requesting your attendance. It is important for us that your influential voice and perspective be included as we drive a global conversation".

“We invite you to join Fortune 500 CEO’s, private investors, financial leaders and government officials to connect and collaborate on this vision.

“With the theme ‘Reimagining the Global Economy: Inclusive Economics’, the annual meeting is set against the backdrop of the Martin Luther King Holiday weekend and gathers leaders from government, community and the private sector to outline a vision for the modern global; economy.

“A vision where the undeserved, working poor and struggling middle class are viewed as untapped assets for economic growth, entrepreneurship and job creation.

“The powerful history of Atlanta as the ‘Cradle of the Civil Rights Movement’ serves as a catalyst for our gathering, highlighting the unfinished work of economic self-reliance launched by Dr. King prior to his death. We will honour that legacy with a series of activities for our guests, including ‘white glove’ viewing of Dr. King’s papers.”

Well done Jonathan, at least you still have somethings to smile about.

Again for the records, I'm no politician, still detest politics and remain non-partisan!

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