Friday 11 December 2015


I have always loved and admired Madonna from my childhood. For me, she will always remain that strong ‘material girl’ and  ‘papa don’t preach’ lady in my mind’s eye with her crazy band.  She is one great pop artist and energetic performer who has just refused to grow old.  At 57, the lady still knows how to work her crowd whenever and wherever.

She is still very relevant and there is every indication that her fan base is also growing by the day as she is still having sold-out concerts. If you think otherwise, how would you describe a situation whereby all she had to do was send out a tweet to her fans inviting them for a show and to everyone’s amazement, there was a good turn out which of course was a pleasant surprise for the ‘La Isla Bonita’ crooner.

Though the impromptu event was at the memorial site of the November 13 terrorist attacks in Paris in honour of the victims, the crowd was nevertheless excited to see Madonna who was accompanied by her son David and a guitarist as they did some of her songs such as 'like a prayer' as well as John Lennon's 'Imagine' even as the fans swung and took pictures with obvious joy. Even though Madonna invited her fans to this event immediately after a sold-out show at an Arena also in Paris, she still gave the people the feeling of "I'm so glad I came" as that was the expression on the faces of all those present 

According to reports, the singer was quoted to have said “Everybody knows why we’re here. We just want to sing a few songs about peace, just to spread love and joy, and to pay our honour and respect to the people who died almost four weeks ago. And to spread light. We all need it.”

Sure we all need light. There is no gainsaying the fact that MADONNA still rocks for a lot of us and from the look of things, she is going to keep rocking for a long time.
                                                                                     All she did as soon as she finished her sold-out concert was this simple tweet “I'm singing some songs in place de la republique, Meet me there now.” How many people can beat that? Not many, if you ask me.                                                          
           Go girl! You still rock!!

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