Thursday 26 May 2016


The National Obesity Forum and the Public Health Collaboration has come out with a recent report debunking the widely accepted notion that for one to stay healthy, you have to stay away from butter, cream, cheese and several other types of fatty foods.

When I first saw the above declaration, my thoughts were ‘yippee, now I can down cheese’ without feeling like I have sinned against my body. Unfortunately, my bubble of excitement went ‘kpoof’, bursting as quickly as I read further on the report.

According to the report, *which sounded somewhat confusing though* it says contrary to previous held views, 'eating a diet rich in full-fat dairy – such as cheese, milk and yoghurt – can actually lower the chance of obesity” while adding however that  'the most natural and nutritious foods available – meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, nuts, seeds, olives, avocados – all contain saturated fat.'

When I read the latter part of the above statement,  I was like ‘hmmm’ so what are we going to eat that researchers wouldn’t come back to hound us with on how unhealthy the foods are at the end of the day. From the look of things, we are going to be advised even against drinking water on certain days of the week soon. *laughing*.

From the very first time I started thinking as a child, up until this very moment, we’ve always being told about how dangerous it is to indulge in fatty foods hence I’ve always tried to cut back on them. So it sounds somewhat really confusing that eating a diet rich in full-fat dairy is healthy!
According to those behind the report, they affirmed that saturated fat does not cause heart disease, and also interestingly added that full fat diary can actually protect the heart. I can imagine you getting as confused as I was when I first read it too.

Nevertheless, after going through the article, I was able to cull the following conclusion as seen below from the report as stated in the Dailymail UK:

Without fat we would miss out on vital nutrients - the vitamins A, D and E - and what are known as essential fatty acids which are needed to prevent or control all kinds of ailments and conditions such as heart disease, cancers, immune system deficiencies, arthritis, skin complaints, PMS and menopausal symptoms.

The average intake of fat in Britain is currently almost 40 per cent of our total daily calorie intake. In fact, the Department of Health advises that this should be a maximum of 33 per cent.

This equates to 71g a day for women and 93.5g a day for men. Women on a diet should reduce this to around 50g a day.

But this is not the whole picture. There are different types of fat and you should try to eat more of some of these fats and less of others.
Milk - If you’re drinking milk, it’s better to opt for full-fat rather than reduced fat versions. You are allowed up to half a pint of full-fat milk a day. Full-fat milk will make you feel fuller for longer and studies have shown that some of the fatty acids in milk products can help regulate weight.

Eggs – Contrary to popular belief, eggs are actually good for you and can be consumed up to four times a week, experts say. Studies have shown that dietary cholesterol does not increase cholesterol levels in the blood so the next time you fancy an omelette, you should give in to your craving.

Olive Oil – While it is safe to dress your salads with it, olive oil can become carcinogenic when heated and should not be used for frying. So the next time you’re planning on cooking with oil, opt for rapeseed or sunflower.

Red Meat – It all depends on where your red-meat comes from. Check the labels – 100g three to four times a week is fine but only if the animal has been reared on a grass-diet.

Carbohydrates – We were once told that they should make up to half of your daily food intake but the advice has now been discounted. Steer clear of white carbohydrates and choose wholegrains instead. Foods such as white rice, pasta and bread convert into sugar, which puts the body at risk of Type 2 diabetes and cancer.

Processed meat – This is a definite no. Processed meats contain high amounts of trans-fats and also have high levels of salt. So as delicious as that bacon sandwich or Parma ham is, there really is no nutritional benefit when it comes to eating it.

Yoghurt – Like milk, choose full-fat over low fat if you want to reap the rewards of this food. Low-fat yoghurts are full of sugar to replace the taste of the fats which have been removed from it.

Fruit juice – Touted as a health benefit, fruit juice is actually bad for you. Even if you are juicing your own, the process of extracting liquid from the fruit causes the loss of fibre, which is where all the fruit’s nutrional benefits are. When you juice you are also consuming more fruit (and thus sugar) than you would consume if you were actually eating it.

Chocolate – Very good for the heart but only have ones with 70 per cent or more cocoa content. Milk chocolate and white chocolate are full of fat and sugar with hardly any cocoa so it’s best not to indulge.

Butter – It’s better to have it in small amounts than it is to opt for margarine or low-fat spreads.

Now we know, however, the mere fact that the report has ‘okayed’ the consumption of certain fatty foods does not mean we can go on eating every fatty foods that come our way.  

Wednesday 25 May 2016


I just saw pictures of Libyans on an overturned vessel which even a toddler would know was as a result of  the vessel being overcrowded by Libyans who were obviously trying to migrate from their war ravaged country.

Nothing to write for now as rescue mission is still ongoing. While that is on, take a look at these pictures and know that we are blessed in Nigeria despite the economic situation. Nevertheless, we pray we don’t degenerate to a level lower than where we are at the moment given the many bombings and killings in several parts of the country.

According to reports, a few of them have drowned already. It's obviously a case of 'survival of the fittest' going by the pictures as shown

Hmmm! God help them. Also God help us.


On my way to work this morning, I was listening to the song “something in common” by Bobby Brown featuring Whitney Houston and then I remembered that I recently read on the UK dailymail that BET’s upcoming ‘New Edition’ miniseries is in the making.

The miniseries will be based on the RnB band ‘New Edition’ and its origin. It is expected to be a hit series given the people involved in the production and also as the group was a band to reckon with in the 80s and given the fact that some of their songs can still compete with a lot of what is being played in our airwaves today.

Bobby Brown, a member of the group who is now about 47years old is seen in this picture as shown on the right with young actor Woody McClain who will be acting as ‘Bobby’ in the miniseries which will be directed by Chris Robinson. This picture was taken in Hollywood on Sunday outside the Madeo restaurant.

Prolific  Jesse Collins of  “Real Husbands of Hollywood’ sits in the position of the executive producer. Co-producers are members of the group in the real-life persons of Johnny Gill, Ralph Tresvant, Michael Bivins, Ricky Bell, and of course Bobby Brown as well as Brooke Payne the manager who named the group ‘New Edition’ originally. 

The group is pictured here below (left) performing in 2014 while another picture (much lower on the right) shows Bobby and Woody on set the miniseries.

Now back to the song “something in common’ which occasioned the topic of this write-up.

‘Something in common’ as earlier stated is a duet by Bobby Brown and his ex as well as late wife Whitney Houston which was featured on Bobby’s 1992 album that was simply named ‘BOBBY’. The song was their first musical collaboration as a couple and as a matter of fact the only one released as a single.

Oh! That song!! Especially the way it starts with those beats at the beginning. I just loved and still love listening and dancing to it.

Watching the video and in some cases listening to both of them in that song made me feel like two different people entirely in their own world though with different habits and attitudes yet could actually live together as a couple. But alas! It was not meant to be as they eventually broke up. I guess they just couldn’t hold-up any longer. Phew! Speaking about elasticity here, right?

‘Something in common’ was released in the UK but it however only got some form of controlled rotation in the  US *still wondering why though* and since it was not released as a commercial single, it was as a result according to reports not eligible to chart on the ‘Billboard Hot 100 as well as the ‘Hot RnB Singles’ charts even though it peaked at number 16 in the UK, 32 and 30 on the ‘Hot 100 Airplay’ and ‘Hot RnB Airplay’ list in the US respectively.

As a teenager, one would play the cassette until it got twisted and even at that, you will find me pull out the twisted part, cut it off and seal back the ends of the cut parts and ‘yippee’  the tape was back in the radio again. Even though some parts of the lyrics would be lost as a result of the cut-out twisted parts, you bet, the cassette would still make a lot of sense to the listener.

Mehnnn! How I miss those days. Life was indeed beautiful. Now you understand why listening to that song gives me great memories of my youth.

Now when I look at Bobby, something in him still speaks volumes that indeed Whitney was his one true love even as he affirmed that in an interview some time ago. With Whitney, I think they both had a great career and an amazing lifestyle together.

Then again, even when he did “I’m your friend” on the same album ‘Bobby’ with Debra Winans, it was so obvious the song was an upshot from his love experience with Whitney. Gosh! The couple shared so much together.

The lyrics were top notched and, guess what! Those two songs mended a lot of troubled relationships back then. Don’t ask me for details *winks*. Yes, I was so young but I heard experiences of people whose relationships got healed just by listening to such songs.

Even though stories of their drug addiction was alleged to have precipitated their divorce, I think these two were great together regardless their age difference and all the negative stories ‘paparazzied’ about them. I wish the duo was able to work things out.

And if they did, maybe, just maybe Whitney would still be alive today giving us great songs and so would Bobbi Kristina, after all love they say conquers all. Guess love wasn’t enough in this regards.

Whitney and Bobbi Kristina, continue to rest in peace even as memories of you (Whitney) given the great songs you made will make you evergreen in our hearts.

And that’s it for now. You can join the millions of people who keep going back to listen to this ‘something in common’ song even as I dance away to it right now.

If you love the song as much as I do then it ultimately means "we've got something in common" as well. Smiles. 

Tuesday 24 May 2016


For all those who are trying to cut corners by soaking up in one form of slim tea or the other and expecting a shortcut or overnight loss of weight without engaging in one form of exercise or the other for at least 30 to 1hour three times a week; you are all dreaming and so I advise you wake up and smell the coffee. There is no shortcut to losing weight.

The saying that ‘you can’t eat your cake and have it” still holds so much water, enough to wipe off that sarcastic smile on your face whenever you are being wrongfully or should I, if English permits, say ‘scamfully’ offered one form of slimming concoction that would perform magic within a few days.

If all those things really work on their own, why do we still have so many ‘fat’ persons around us? Many of whom are trying so hard to get rid of the excess weight they have garnered in the wrong places over the years.

The truth is, we, including ‘yours sincerely’ are just too lazy to work out or make it a lifestyle of exercising on a daily basis. Work-outs are not in themselves interesting per say but you can make it interesting by putting a picture of the end result in your ‘mind’s eye’  and doing the exercises that you feel most comfortable in as long as you burn some fat breaking those sweats.

Also we need to be reminded that all of the razzmatazz you watch on fashion, style and healthy living channels are more of showbiz, in otherwords, make belief as you are only availed the opportunity of viewing a few success stories while most of the ‘sorry’ cases are rarely brought your way.

Have you noticed Lepacious Bose lately? I mean the Nigerian Comedienne. If you haven’t then I admonish that you take a closer look at the pictures here just in case you didn’t recognize her the first time.  
Nearly everyone is in the know that she has being seriously on a weight loss programme and the results can be seen in these recent pictures with Owen Gee another Nigerian Comedian.

I’m sure if you asked her, she would say ‘it has not being easy”. Sure we all know that nearly all good things, such as ‘weight loss’ does not come so easily.

Enjoy her new look!

For the rest of you out there, don't just drink the concoction, make sure you compliment it with some exercise as well.