Thursday 18 February 2016


Tyra Banks son York photoAfter struggling with fertility for a period, Tyra Banks with Erik Asla, a Norwegian photographer and her boyfriend, reached a consensus and thereafter, a few weeks after a successful gestational surrogate period, Tyra in a lovely picture, looking every inch natural like the Tyra we've always known, simple, beautiful with those lovely eyes of hers, on Sunday February 14th which was valentine's day finally through her instagram page let us catch a first sight of her 'newly arrived' baby boy.

The baby boy named York, whom she said has her "fingers and big eyes" and "mouth and chin" like Asla's, who is the father of the baby, was shown in the picture (as seen on the left) wrapped and snuggled into his mother’s bosom as she was caught staring in a direction with an expression which read "so I finally made it" or "this really feels good".

The 42 year old top model in her exact words on instagram wrote, “This is the Happiest Valentine’s Day of my life, York, Daddy @erikasla and I send you so much love.”

In an interview she had with PEOPLE some time ago after York was born said “As I gaze into the beautiful eyes of my son, I think about all the people who struggle with fertility or carrying a child and continue to pray for them every day. My hopes and dreams are filled with well wishes that they get to feel what my little treasure, York Banks Asla, feels like in my arms.”

She had at that time of the interview while thanking the "angel of a woman" that helped in carrying their "miracle baby" to term, mentioned that the little boy has her “fingers and big eyes and Asla’s mouth and chin" and also prayed for everyone struggling to reach "this joyous milestone" even as she welcomed "York Banks Asla to the world.” 
Now, that's another 'thumbs up' for surrogacy and further encouragement for all those struggling with fertility, especially those who can afford it.

Here is a quick understanding of what surrogacy means, for all those who do not have an idea. Surrogacy is the carrying of a pregnancy for intended parents/couple by a third party and there are two main types of surrogacy, gestational and traditional surrogacy. According to medical definition, gestational surrogacy is the pregnancy which results from the transfer of an embryo created by in vitro fertilization (IVF), just like in the case of Tyra Banks and Alsa whose embryo and sperm were used respectively, in a manner so the resulting child is genetically unrelated to the surrogate as all she does is to help the couple carry the baby to term.

The second type of surrogacy which is traditional surrogacy, the surrogate is impregnated naturally or artificially, but the resulting child is genetically related to the surrogate as her embryo was used which would at the end of the day involve more legal agreements before and after the child is born, hence gestational surrogacy which is considered less legally complex is a lot more accepted by couples in different parts of the world, especially the United states.

Also in gestational surrogacy, the female may get an embryo from a donor which can be used with the sperm from her partner/husband for the IVF so that the surrogate will still be unrelated genetically to the surrogate.

Now for all those who still desire to have babies and can afford it, you can choose any of the aforementioned and be happy. Some women have died avoidable deaths in trying to get pregnant and have babies at all costs even when it is medically unsafe for them to do so. It's time for every society to accept surrogacy, make the methods cheaper thereby making life sweeter and more meaningful for all those couples and people suffering with one form of infertility or the other.

Well done TYRA and ASLA for adding another  to the number of existing ticks on surrogacy.

And finally, welcome to the world baby YORK!

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