Friday 26 February 2016

Dear Israel Houghton, It's Time To Have A 'Re-think'

If after the next couple of days, there is no word from Israel Houghton on the recent message he sent out on facebook about him divorcing his wife of 20years then I would say that his entire hard work in singing gospel songs is a whole lot of CRAP.

I wonder the kind of Christianity a lot of people practice these days. I guess it’s now Christianity of ‘convenience.

I was angered the other day when I saw that of Chris and Anita Oyakhilome in the papers showing Anita’s name being removed as one of the trustees of the Christ embassy church thereby confirming all the rumours about their divorce which has been on and off for a while now. That’s another CRAP.

My colleague and I went to have a business meet with a potential client exactly four weeks ago and while talking, *can’t remember how we digressed* but the lady while speaking said “no matter the challenges in a marriage, the best thing for the couple is to look for every way to fix it and work things out”. I held those words in my head all through the rest of the meeting and even now, it’s something that keeps playing on a ‘repeat mode’ in my head.

This advice came from a woman who has everything at her ‘beck and call’ within and outside this country yet she’s as humble as that ‘pie’ that is always referred to whenever the word ‘HUMILITY’ pops up.

So when I read about Israel yesterday, I said to myself *this is all crap*.

According to Israel, he wrote "Several years ago I failed and sinned in my marriage. ... Although we tried, the challenges in our relationship have proven too much to overcome. We have always handled our family and ministry with grace and generosity toward others, discretion, and privacy".

Tell me, why couldn’t he find a way to work things out even after he became sober for cheating on his wife?  One would expect that given his status in the ministry and the society at large, he would have worked things out. Joel Osteen had better step into this issue as he’s the head of the Lakewood Church where Israel is one of the senior worship leaders.

Continuing on his post on facebook, Israel said "I am in the process of restoration and I have repented for my actions. Although I am sincerely sorry, and forgiven, I soberly realize that I will live with the consequences of my failings for the rest of my life".

So if he’s sincerely repented and forgiven by his wife, why is he still going ahead with the divorce or is there more to what he’s told us so far? I really don’t get it!

And what’s that with “As this has become a public matter I want to apologize to the many who have supported my ministry through the years. I'm sorry for the many who will be hurt to learn of my personal failure. I regret any pain or disappointment that this news may cause you. We thank you for your prayers and for allowing us to handle this privately with those who are set over us in this process".
Hmmm! Dear Israel, I don’t think many ardent followers who have been blessed over the years by your songs would accept these apologies. Of course many of them (us) are hurt. We are hurt not because you cheated on your wife with another gospel singer but because you are throwing everything away by divorcing your wife of over 20years which means you have not really forgiven yourself. What example are you then setting for your kids and all those in your New Breed Ministries? 

It’s time to have a re-think Israel Houghton. *really sad*

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