Tuesday 16 February 2016


About three or four days ago, I read that Kendall Jenner, a model and one of the daughters  in the widely watched reality TV show "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" has slammed a lawsuit against a skin care company for as much as $10 million for an offence which was the use of her photo without permission from the model in advertising the company’s acne laser treatment.  

Phew! “That’s a whole lot of money”, if you ask me!!

After reading this, my thoughts went out to all those many adverts I see on a daily basis with pictures of both foreign and local celebrities. Barbing saloons, supermarkets, boutiques and many other business owners here are big time culprits.  I guess a lot of these celebrities see some of these adverts but turn a blind eye once they perceive that nothing reasonable would come off suing such organisations or businesses. 

But the case was different for the owners of Cutera Inc based in Brisbane California as Kendall’s lawyers in a complaint filed last Wednesday challenged the Company’s advertisements. The advertisement for Cutera’s Laser Genesis treatment, a one print advert which ahead of Fashion Week, had started appearing in New York City since the start of the month of February had quoted Kendall to have said that acne had at a time "completely ruined" her self-esteem nonetheless that her now "nearly flawless skin" was an outcome from visits to a dermatologist for Laser Genesis treatment.

On the 10th of February, I read in a post by Naomi Pike of Vogue where Kendall when asked what her worst beauty sin was, she was quoted to have said “When I was younger, I used to bite my nails so bad. I used to play sports, I played like every sport. I would be playing soccer and I'd be in the middle of the field just zoned out, biting my nails, and I'd like miss the ball going past me. My dad got so mad at me that he then would tape my nails up so I wouldn't bite them because the bitter stuff you can paint on I just used to bite through! But I stopped. I'm so happy I stopped. I don't think I have any other bad habits. I never picked my skin. My sisters told me, even before I had acne, to never touch my face. I stuck to that”. 

In the entire quote, what got to me was the part of having to touch the face.

For some time now I have been looking for ways on how to stop people from touching my face as though it's a good sign of endearment whenever they stand close to me to talk or simply to say “hello”. For several years now I constantly withdraw my face whenever I see their hands coming towards the face nevertheless, no matter how hard I tried, the hands are stretched further until they eventually touch the face and I’m like “oh my God what do I do to stop these woman from touching this face”?

First of all, for a grown woman, I see that as disrespect whenever these women do that and secondly it could lead to some form of infection which is one major factor for acne on the face. As a child who grew up battling with acne and later overcame it completely without any scars, you would understand why I am very wary when it comes to touching my face now which for most part of the year, can be as smooth as a baby's bum except for a few rough days which always happen after I must have had a hectic week or days. I guess that’s the attraction and so the women can’t help with their hands when standing next to me.

Nonetheless, I have learnt a thing or two from Miss Jenner’s case as I bluntly told a couple of the ‘face touchers’ over the weekend saying “please, I don’t like it when people touch my face, just say what you have to say without touching”.

Did they take my outburst in good fate? Well, I didn’t bother to find out as I walked away and left them wondering, hoping they got the message loud and clear.

What if they don’t stop? You may ask, well...*eyes rolling* I just may employ the services of a lawyer just like Kendall except that this time around it will not be for advertisement without permission but a case of ‘unlawful face touching’. 

One could make a few bucks you know...*winks*

And by the way, how did I get rid of acne forever? Just eat properly, exercise, sleep without makeup, exfoliate at least once a week, change your pillow case every week and DON'T EVER pick the acne or let any one touch your face.

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