Saturday 27 February 2016

Fertility: Ectogenesis And Its Many Concerns

The first time I heard the word ‘ectogenesis’ I never envisaged that it would turn out to mean what I eventually found out.

Now to every woman out there, for those of you who may just be getting to hear the word ‘ectogenesis’ for the first time, it means pregnancy in an artificial womb, that is, outside the human body.

I am not talking about IVF here, neither am I talking about surrogacy. It is a whole lot different from IVF which is the transfer of a fertilized embryo into a woman for gestational period or even surrogacy. No! ectogenesis is a whole lot different from that as the pregnancy starts from fertilization to birth in the artificial womb. An environment which is entirely different from the human body, created by scientists.

Permit me to say “this leaves some sort of bitter-sweet taste in the mouth”, because for some people, it could be an applauded idea but not so for a lot of other people.

Now, let’s see it from the sweet perspective. It will be ‘hurray’ news for a lot of women who have being battling with infertility due to some medical issue or some other unexplained issues beyond what the doctors can fathom. So for such people who, despite their medical issues, may not still want to have surrogates help with the birth of their children for fear of legal complications, this news will come as sweet for them especially if they can afford it.

On the other hand, with the way science is going, it’s as though the natural process of childbirth is getting threatened as a lot of women especially ‘feminists’ who do not want their bodies altered in anyway due to pregnancy would resort to the ‘ectogenesis’ method of childbearing and before you know it, it becomes a class or status thing thereby giving those who still engage in natural childbearing process the look of ‘low-class people who cannot afford ectogenesis’ and thereafter become another form of stigmatisation in the society.

It is worrisome when you hear people who do not have fertility issues but would go on to say ‘I need a baby but I can’t put up with having to carry the baby in my womb for nine months so I’d rather have someone do it for me’. Gosh! What a selfish thought!!

Like someone said, when a woman says such a thing, what is the guarantee that she can take care of that child after it is born?  Good question isn’t it?

A lot of women would give anything just to experience childbirth and so it is alarming to see very fortunate ones take it for granted.

Now back to the issue of ectogenesis. Some people’s fears have been raised as they foresee an over populated world in the nearest future if the practice becomes highly accepted by thousands of people. Others fear that the biological female reproductive labour may not become necessary anymore and could eventually become outdated.

However another group of people believe that if laws and legislation are put up to curtail the abuse of the
practice then it would be a great idea for those who really do need the procedure.

Now, what say you?

Friday 26 February 2016


After contesting three times for the same position over the years, just like the story of any persistent person who never gives up on his dreams, I would like to say ‘congratulations’ to one of Nollywood’s finest in the person of Fred Amata of the renowned Amata family, who has now been elected today as the new President of the Directors Guild of Nigeria (DGN).

Taking over from Andy Amenechi who was said to have resigned only yesterday, Fred emerged winner over his rivals such as Lancelot Imasuen, Dickson Iroegbu and Kingsley Omefe who all contested for the position as well.

I hear there was mad jubilation as soon as he was declared winner. Anyhow, while congratulating Fred on his new office, let us also remember to remind him of all the promises he made and also do more than his predecessors as he has assured his colleagues that he has what it takes to be president and will get the guild a befitting secretariat, a functioning constitution and website in his first three months in office.

Hmmm! Okay o!! Now Fred, we await you as you fulfill those promises as ‘our eyes are on you’.

Once again, ‘congratulations’ and may your reign be smooth!

Dear Israel Houghton, It's Time To Have A 'Re-think'

If after the next couple of days, there is no word from Israel Houghton on the recent message he sent out on facebook about him divorcing his wife of 20years then I would say that his entire hard work in singing gospel songs is a whole lot of CRAP.

I wonder the kind of Christianity a lot of people practice these days. I guess it’s now Christianity of ‘convenience.

I was angered the other day when I saw that of Chris and Anita Oyakhilome in the papers showing Anita’s name being removed as one of the trustees of the Christ embassy church thereby confirming all the rumours about their divorce which has been on and off for a while now. That’s another CRAP.

My colleague and I went to have a business meet with a potential client exactly four weeks ago and while talking, *can’t remember how we digressed* but the lady while speaking said “no matter the challenges in a marriage, the best thing for the couple is to look for every way to fix it and work things out”. I held those words in my head all through the rest of the meeting and even now, it’s something that keeps playing on a ‘repeat mode’ in my head.

This advice came from a woman who has everything at her ‘beck and call’ within and outside this country yet she’s as humble as that ‘pie’ that is always referred to whenever the word ‘HUMILITY’ pops up.

So when I read about Israel yesterday, I said to myself *this is all crap*.

According to Israel, he wrote "Several years ago I failed and sinned in my marriage. ... Although we tried, the challenges in our relationship have proven too much to overcome. We have always handled our family and ministry with grace and generosity toward others, discretion, and privacy".

Tell me, why couldn’t he find a way to work things out even after he became sober for cheating on his wife?  One would expect that given his status in the ministry and the society at large, he would have worked things out. Joel Osteen had better step into this issue as he’s the head of the Lakewood Church where Israel is one of the senior worship leaders.

Continuing on his post on facebook, Israel said "I am in the process of restoration and I have repented for my actions. Although I am sincerely sorry, and forgiven, I soberly realize that I will live with the consequences of my failings for the rest of my life".

So if he’s sincerely repented and forgiven by his wife, why is he still going ahead with the divorce or is there more to what he’s told us so far? I really don’t get it!

And what’s that with “As this has become a public matter I want to apologize to the many who have supported my ministry through the years. I'm sorry for the many who will be hurt to learn of my personal failure. I regret any pain or disappointment that this news may cause you. We thank you for your prayers and for allowing us to handle this privately with those who are set over us in this process".
Hmmm! Dear Israel, I don’t think many ardent followers who have been blessed over the years by your songs would accept these apologies. Of course many of them (us) are hurt. We are hurt not because you cheated on your wife with another gospel singer but because you are throwing everything away by divorcing your wife of over 20years which means you have not really forgiven yourself. What example are you then setting for your kids and all those in your New Breed Ministries? 

It’s time to have a re-think Israel Houghton. *really sad*

Oseola McCarty The 'Unselfish' Spirited Woman Who Gave It All

I just read on one of the social media platforms about Oseola McCarty, a cleaning lady who out of the goodness of her heart, donated about $150,000 to the University of Southern Mississippi for a student scholarship program. This money is the large savings she accumulated having worked all of her life.

According to McCarty “I want to help somebody’s child go to college. I’m giving it away so that the children won’t have to work so hard, like I did.” 

How many people in our present generation would say the above and not just saying, but would go ahead to ‘doing it’ as said?  I can bet with you on it that such a person wouldn’t  be found and if you are able to find any at all, it will definitely be one in every 100million.

Aaaaargh! Did I just hear somebody say “hey! That’s too harsh”?

I agree with you on that, but don’t blame the ‘harshness’ on me, you can somewhat blame it on the kind of environment we’ve found ourselves given the kind of lives/lifestyle of the present generation.

A generation of highly selfish people where all we think about is the ‘me, myself and I’ syndrome without a care in the world of knowing what your neighbor is going through. This syndrome has eaten so deep into the society that even when we have the wherewithal to help the next person we rarely do that. 

I also read through some of the comments on the platform where I saw the post on McCarty and it read “I am also an alumni of USM and I was actually a student when she setup the trust for the scholarship. Ms. McCarty quit school in the sixth grade to take care of her Aunt. She never married or had children. She lived a simple life; never owned a car; walk over a mile to the local grocery store. She believed in working hard, simple living and spending frugally. She was honored by USM, Harvard University, an Essence Award and the Presidential Citizens Medal which was presented by President Bill Clinton. She was a great and humble woman.

Phew! How about that for size?

For many who have more than enough, instead of thinking like McCarty, We would rather think about frivolous things to spend that money on just to outdo others as though it is life’s competition. The funniest part of it is that those whom you seem to be competing with, most of the time do not have the slightest hunch that they are even in any competition hence you are left running your own marathon with no competitor. Stupid! Isn’t it?

McCarty never owned a car even though she could afford it. *I wish she had one though* but that wasn’t her priority. 

Your neighbor does not have a ‘bicycle spoke’ not to talk of food to eat yet you show off your latest Range Rovers, Suv and other exotic cars in his face thereby rubbing in the severity of his predicament/poverty and then you expect the streets to be safe for you?  

Come on, wake up, the streets can’t be safe.
Let us learn from McCarthy, by giving back to the society. She died in 1999 at the age of 91 after having being recognized with awards and honors from several people and organisations/institutions including former President Bill Clinton and the UN for her 'unselfish spirit'. She will no doubts be remembered for a very long time, that's if not forever.

I know for a fact that not everyone can be ‘wealthy’ but then, for all those who have being lucky and have become wealthy as a result of hard work, luck or *like they say* born with silver spoon, it’s time to give back and take care of one another thereby keeping the streets safe for ourselves and wards who we try so hard to protect.

Thursday 25 February 2016

Ayodele Daniel Dada Breaks The Limits At UNILAG

Some stories can make the years of pain and so much hard work seem like ‘child’s play’ all of a sudden especially when it yields pleasant surprising results. I’m sure that will be how the parents of one brilliant young man who sparked off this write up today.

This important young boy is Ayodele Daniel Dada, a graduating student of psychology at the University of Lagos, UNILAG, Akoka. Everyone loves a success story as it has a way of lifting spirits no matter how browbeaten you may feel at that point in time.  

Daniel will on Monday be among 10,907 students who will graduate with degrees and diplomas at the forthcoming UNILAG’s convocation ceremonies to be held between the 1st to the 3rd of March at the University Campus.

However, Daniel will be outstanding from the rest because he will be graduating with a record breaking cumulative Grade Point Average of 5.0 thereby setting himself apart from the rest with his ‘excellent’ grades from the department of Psychology.

Hmmm! Now who wouldn’t be proud of such a child?

Professor Rahamon Bello, Vice Chancellor of the University during a pre-convocation media chat said for Daniel to have recorded such academic performance, it meant that Daniel must have scored  great ‘As’ in all the programme’s courses he took while studying thereby has shown his exceptional academic prowess.

Now that deserves a loud ovation as we've had enough of letting such exceptional academic performances go without promoting it meanwhile silly achievements from reality shows get all the hype.

More to come on this story!

Signing out for now!

Thursday 18 February 2016


There are days you wake up and after seeing pictures of some women on social media  you cannot but go take a second look at yourself on the mirror and say to no one in particular “how did I get here” especially if you were once a ‘show-stopper’ a few years earlier.

Now before you get me wrong,  I am not talking about models or very young celebs like the ‘Kim Kardashians’  of this world who still have age on their sides. No! I am talking about women who have far gone past mid-lives but still rocking great bodies as a result of good discipline which includes great workouts and healthy dieting.

When I say ‘workouts and dieting’, I mean consistent  workouts and dieting not the type that we indulge only when we want to fit into a new dress or ahead for an upcoming event and thereafter return to status quo when the ‘show’ is over.

Or how would you describe the situation where an 80 year old woman is looking fitter than those of us who are nowhere near mid-life yet are very laid back when it comes to keeping fit. 

I stumbled on the pictures of Ernestine Shepherd and Wendy Ida and I Said to myself  no more excuses” and so I have decided that no matter how hard it looks, feels or sounds, I am going back to the gym and stay on a good diet for good.

To say I have heard about Ernestine and Ida before stumbling on those pictures will be me telling a big ‘fat’ lie as I knew nothing about these two beautifully well-built ladies in their 80s and 60s.

Ernestine Shepherd is an 80year old African American body builder who at a time was named the oldest female builder by the Guinness Book of Records in 2010 and 2011. Shepherd who was a model in Baltimore only started taking aerobics lessons at 56 and has won two body-building titles, works as a personal trainer and leads exercise classes.

Now enough of Ernestine, let’s talk about Wendy Ida another lovely looking woman in her 60s. Wendy who is a fitness expert, TV host and author is another Guiness Book of Record holder for Oldest Active Instructor in several areas. Unlike Ernestine who started keeping fit at 56, Wendy started at 43.  

Hey ladies! What are you waiting for? Get your butts off the couch and start treading-the-mill already!! *winks*

A lot of people would say at 43, 56, 60, 80 “what am I doing aerobics for” and my response would be “for your own well-being and also looking good”. Like Wendy often says “it’s never too late to take back your life”.

As for me, I don’t need to wait till I’m 43, I am heading back to the gym and this time it’s going to be consistent.


Tyra Banks son York photoAfter struggling with fertility for a period, Tyra Banks with Erik Asla, a Norwegian photographer and her boyfriend, reached a consensus and thereafter, a few weeks after a successful gestational surrogate period, Tyra in a lovely picture, looking every inch natural like the Tyra we've always known, simple, beautiful with those lovely eyes of hers, on Sunday February 14th which was valentine's day finally through her instagram page let us catch a first sight of her 'newly arrived' baby boy.

The baby boy named York, whom she said has her "fingers and big eyes" and "mouth and chin" like Asla's, who is the father of the baby, was shown in the picture (as seen on the left) wrapped and snuggled into his mother’s bosom as she was caught staring in a direction with an expression which read "so I finally made it" or "this really feels good".

The 42 year old top model in her exact words on instagram wrote, “This is the Happiest Valentine’s Day of my life, York, Daddy @erikasla and I send you so much love.”

In an interview she had with PEOPLE some time ago after York was born said “As I gaze into the beautiful eyes of my son, I think about all the people who struggle with fertility or carrying a child and continue to pray for them every day. My hopes and dreams are filled with well wishes that they get to feel what my little treasure, York Banks Asla, feels like in my arms.”

She had at that time of the interview while thanking the "angel of a woman" that helped in carrying their "miracle baby" to term, mentioned that the little boy has her “fingers and big eyes and Asla’s mouth and chin" and also prayed for everyone struggling to reach "this joyous milestone" even as she welcomed "York Banks Asla to the world.” 
Now, that's another 'thumbs up' for surrogacy and further encouragement for all those struggling with fertility, especially those who can afford it.

Here is a quick understanding of what surrogacy means, for all those who do not have an idea. Surrogacy is the carrying of a pregnancy for intended parents/couple by a third party and there are two main types of surrogacy, gestational and traditional surrogacy. According to medical definition, gestational surrogacy is the pregnancy which results from the transfer of an embryo created by in vitro fertilization (IVF), just like in the case of Tyra Banks and Alsa whose embryo and sperm were used respectively, in a manner so the resulting child is genetically unrelated to the surrogate as all she does is to help the couple carry the baby to term.

The second type of surrogacy which is traditional surrogacy, the surrogate is impregnated naturally or artificially, but the resulting child is genetically related to the surrogate as her embryo was used which would at the end of the day involve more legal agreements before and after the child is born, hence gestational surrogacy which is considered less legally complex is a lot more accepted by couples in different parts of the world, especially the United states.

Also in gestational surrogacy, the female may get an embryo from a donor which can be used with the sperm from her partner/husband for the IVF so that the surrogate will still be unrelated genetically to the surrogate.

Now for all those who still desire to have babies and can afford it, you can choose any of the aforementioned and be happy. Some women have died avoidable deaths in trying to get pregnant and have babies at all costs even when it is medically unsafe for them to do so. It's time for every society to accept surrogacy, make the methods cheaper thereby making life sweeter and more meaningful for all those couples and people suffering with one form of infertility or the other.

Well done TYRA and ASLA for adding another  to the number of existing ticks on surrogacy.

And finally, welcome to the world baby YORK!

Tuesday 16 February 2016


Former Chairperson of the House Committee on Diaspora Affairs and Chairperson of the House Committee on Media and Publicity, Abike Dabiri-Erewa is in the news again and this time, she has been appointed by President Muhammadu Buhari as his Senior Special Assistant on Foreign Affairs and the Diaspora.

Hmmm! Mouthwatering isn’t it? Even though most people saw it coming as she’s been seen around the Presidency and in most of the events since the new administration set sail. 

Born in Jos, Plateau State, the former broadcaster, who became very popular a few years ago as a result of her ‘joy’ story which was followed by millions of Nigerians on Newsline on National Television, was first elected into the House of Representatives, representing Ikorodu Constituency in Lagos State in 2003.

After her appointment in 2003, Abike Dabiri-Erewa has not looked backed again as she has continued her path in Politics which so far has paid-off very well for her.
Here is wishing her all the best in her new office, hoping that she will represent Nigerians well and most of all, every woman.

Also, here is also wishing Veteran Nollywood Act, beautiful Miss Ini Edo on her new appointment as Special Adviser on Tourism to the Akwa Ibom state governor, Emmanuel Udom. 

While I pray that my name and yours *yes you reading this now* make the next list of appointees, *laughs* let's keep the spirits high and hope for more appointments for the women at the state and Federal levels despite the fact that Hajiya Najatu Muhammed publicly turned down her appointment as the new Chairperson of Dutse Federal University Governing Council *I respect her reasons*.