Monday 19 June 2017


I couldn’t help but share this great read by  Gina Umoru Agbukor  as it made a lot of sense given that many of us would no doubts relate with it in one way or the other. For me it was a great read to start a beautiful week and a reminder that this life is exactly what it is so we have to deal with it the best way we can. Enjoy!

Be careful what you pray for.

"Many years ago...about 5 or 6 years ago, I rededicated my life to Christ and I was doing away with 'Old things'... I don't know whether it was overzealousness or sheer stupidity...but looking back now, I think it was ignorance. I prayed a certain prayer. 

Simple prayer, nothing fancy... but with dire consequences.
"Lord humble me, take away pride from me"

No sooner had I prayed it, my life turned inside out. Immediately, I found myself thrown into a bakery where they make freshly baked humble pie of life. Every morning I get served with a huge slice of humble pie. Just pie. No coffee. I was basically 'force-fed' this pie ehn. Every time I think I am full of pie, I get another slice. It was a conveyor belt of humble pies, I wasn't full. I needed more.

Then I got married and thought that I was going to leave the bakery, guess what? *Sheer horror*, the next thing, I found myself at the back of the kitchen, helping to knead the dough for 'humble pie'. I wasn't even allowed to serve pie. I was a 'line cook' here.... no 'chef de patisserie' business. I grumbled at the job, I scoffed and complained and complained oooooooooo. You guessed it, I wasn't ready to finish my apprenticeship.

These days, I am filled with deep compassion and empathy and a deep conscience and find myself telling God "I am ready", over and over and over again. Right now, I have no qualms walking to the baker and ordering a slice of humble pie with coffee when I feel I am stepping out of order. I made terrible decisions because of pride and I have to live with the consequences.

Pride is terrible.
Pride is what makes you think you are better than others.
Pride is why you won’t build that relationship again.
Pride is what makes you die of hunger when you can ask for help.
Pride is what makes you think you have passed that 'level'. Whatever the hell that means. *rme*

I recently went to one of these Abuja male designers, someone I know referred me for a discount. He knew I was coming but when I got there he wouldn't see me. I knew he was in, his car was outside. He could see me with his CCTV cameras. Apparently he was in a meeting. I believe it was a meeting to discuss world peace because I left and came back in the evening and he still wasn't available (I guess it was about the time he signed the peace treaty agreement) but told his sales rep to discuss prices with me. I was not a 'big enough' spender. I wasn't worthy of his audience. I have tons of not-so-proud encounters but this will suffice.

So when I see people filled with pride because of their ego, riches, fame, intelligence or pedigree they have. The only thing I feel is pity...because one day, you must chop humble pie one way or another. Pride is NOT a good thing oh.

Years later, I learnt that my prayer point should have been "Lord, give me the grace to humble myself".

So pick up that phone and make that call. You win by making the first move to reconciliation.

It's 3:29am. Phew! I need some sleep. Good morning, enjoy your week.

Remember, pride goeth before a fall!

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