Tuesday 25 October 2016


For many women, it is always a thing of concern once they start leaving their thirties without a spouse and most worrisome when they reach their mid-forties without a child especially for those who may have been trying to conceive for several years. Especially if they are in a society where being single or childless is like ‘taboo’. For many of such women, everyday life is like a torture and living through it amounts to miracles.

Nearly every woman’s dream is to have all of their kids when they are still young and vibrant in order to raise the kids properly and be around their lives well enough to see them succeed in some of their life’s endeavours hence it’s sad when the years go by without these dreams becoming a reality thereby giving room to panic and worries which most of the time would not even resolve the problems.

However, there is good news for every woman out there who is still trying for a child irrespective of age.

We’ve heard stories in the past of women who have long past their child-bearing age still having babies at the end of the day. Such stories spring up every day and so it is on that note that we present again a recent story of as reported by the BBC of a Spanish woman Lina Alvarez who gave birth naturally at the age of 62 in Lugo Spain.

Lina while speaking to reporters outside the hospital said "It has been a normal pregnancy that developed naturally," thereby raising the hopes of all those who are still trying out there.

It would be recalled that a couple of days back, a write-up here was on Janet Jackson being pregnant at 50 and the news ‘wowed’ many. However it would interest you to know that Janet Jackson when compared with a lot of other famous celebrities who are giving birth ‘later’ in life, she would rank amongst the ‘not-so-later-after all’ group such as Oscar-winning Halle Berry who had her second child at 47, three years ago, and John Travolta's wife Kelly Preston who gave birth to her third child at 48 including Geena Davis - best known for her role in Thelma and Louise -  who also became a mother later in life after falling in love with an Iranian-American neurosurgeon in her 40s. Her first child, a girl, arrived when she was 46, followed two years later by twin boys.

Still counting ‘later mums’ was Swiss billionaire Maria Louis-Dreyfus, who gave birth to twin girls in March 2016 at the age of 53, even at all of these aforementioned women, they could be termed somewhat ‘young’ especially when compared to some of the world's oldest new mothers such Omkari Panwar, Rajo Devi Lohan and Daljinder Kaur in India who claimed to have carried their children to term having used donated eggs.

According to reports, Omkari Panwar at 70 gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl, in 2008 while Rajo Devi Lohan also 70 gave birth to a baby girl few months after Omkari. For Rajo, it was her first time of having a baby.

For Daljinder Kaur, after three attempts at IVF, gave birth to a son in April 2016 at 72.  

Even though each of the births caused a debate over the ethical issues surrounding having a baby so late in life - especially after the death of Maria del Carmen Bousada de Lara, the Spanish woman who once held the title of the world's oldest mother, three years after having twin boys, it nevertheless still gives some sort of fresh hopes for many who are still trying to conceive even in their late forties, fifties, sixties and more.

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