Monday 26 October 2015

Hey Mister! Sleep Naked and Boost That Stuff by 25%!!

Human sperm, artworkResearchers have said time and time again that sleeping naked and wearing loose underpants improves the health of sperm in men.

Again recent research has reiterated an improvement by at least 25 percent if men adhered as vital reproductive cells in the testicles are preserved at cooler temperatures which cannot be maintained when wearing tightly-fitting underpants and thus ditching pyjamas and Y-Fronts at night time is thought best.

The study, which was carried out by Stanford University in California and the US National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, looked at 501 men trying to become dads as population sample.

Man wearing boxer shorts standing in front of wardrobe, low sectionAlright! It seems buying baggy underwear/night shorts might not seem a bad idea after all because at the end of the study, men who wore loose underpants had a 25% lower level of damage to their sperm’s DNA than those who wore tight-fitting shorts.

The study’s conclusion explains: ‘Among men in the general population attempting pregnancy, type of underwear worn during the day and to bed is associated with semen quality. ‘Reducing exposure for bed decreases DNA fragmentation; better semen quality parameters are observed in men wearing boxers during the day and none to bed.’

Science has previously suggested that holding a laptop on your knees damages sperm because of the heat it gives out.

I guess this is no news to everyone anymore! To all the MISTERS AND MASTERS out there, go get baggy under wears and avoid tight fitting ones if you can't sleep NAKED at nights!!

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