Friday 30 October 2015

Basketmouth And His Basket Of 'Lovelies' To Wife Elsie

Basketmouth and Wife, Elsie
While a lot of celebrities are busy having a war of words on social media and packing up the remains of their troubled marriages which at one time or the other were highly celebrated as 'heaven-made-on-earth' kind of marriages, Nigerian Comedian Bright Okpocha who is popularly known as Basketmouth was busy celebrating his wife Elsie Uzoma Okpocha as they marked their fifth year wedding anniversary.

On Wednesday the 28th of October 2015, Basketmouth sent a lovely message to his wife thanking her for being a source of blessing to him and for giving him a beautiful family. His exact words were " “Elsie, thank you for letting me come into your life, for giving me a beautiful family, for blessing me with your love, affection and care. Happy wedding anniversary.” Hmmm! How lovely!!

Basket and Wife on their wedding day
You sure agree with me that those are heartfelt words from an appreciative husband who no doubts has been having a blissfully peaceful marriage, isn't it? For me, that equals or even more than a basket of tangible 'lovelies' any day. Yeah, sometimes, words are just ENOUGH! I meant SOMETIMES!! Okay?

Now I know a lot of people would give me 'the eye' if I stood right in front of them at this very moment with expressions or statements such as "it's not the first time, we've heard this before, tomorrow now they will start fighting, give them another five years, they are just starting, blah blah blah, and many more pessimistic statements.

I understand to a large extent why some people would make such remarks because nearly 80% of celebrities who have praised/eulogise their spouses in interviews and on social media platforms in the past and even very recently, have turned around to say the opposites when the tides change.

However, for Basketmouth and his wife, I perceive that at the rate they are going, we may have more 'Olu Jacobs and Joke Silva's' kind of marriages reenacted in the marriages of younger couples such as Basketmouth's. I bet you'll all agree with me on that, wouldn't you? *winks*
Now (while pondering)  speaking of Uncle' Olu Jacobs and 'Aunty' Joke's stable marriage of many years, I would suggest they start a school on "how to sustain your marriage". We CANNOT rule out the fact that they have their own share of marital issues at one point or the other, but at least they've being able to resolve and sustain their marriage without sending themselves to the 'cleaners' at any time by taking their problems to social media for their fans to take sides. I'm sure there's a lot to learn from that couple.

Before you go on to ask if this (Olu and Joke) is the best couple around, let me beat you to it by saying "NO". We've got many more great couples around (celebrities and others like my parents) but I deemed it fit to use this very popular celebrity couple who have really touched lives in many ways than you can count just by being TOGETHER  and strong all these years and most importantly because this article is focused on marriages of celebrities.

Before I sign out, I would like to get back to what inspired this topic by wishing Basketmouth and his lovely wife a HAPPY anniversary and many more beautiful years ahead TOGETHER hoping that in the next forty five years when they celebrate fifty years together, we will all be there to say 'WELL DONE'!

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