Thursday 10 September 2015


A few days ago at the GQ Men of the year Awards ceremony held  at the Royal Opera House in London's Covent Garden guess who was among the host of famous faces invited to grace the event?

It was Chelsea's 'chosen one' Jose Mourinho. He was pictured on the red carpet with his teenage daughter Matilda clothed in a black dress complementing her father who was also cutely dressed in a lovely black suit with a white shirt. He sure looked good.

Now away from Jose Mourinho, let us focus on Matilda. Like the popular saying ‘pictures speak volumes’.  I could deduce from the way she looked in the pictures that she wasn’t really comfortable, could it be the red carpet or perhaps the dress or perhaps daddy Mourinho gives her the creeps?  

 I presume the dress because as seen in the picture on the right (below), she was trying to pull the dress lapel to cover up the revealed bust but alas! No luck.

If it was the dress, then my question is, didn't she take some time off to try the dress earlier on and then a look on the mirror before the 'D' day and before stepping out of the house with daddy Mourinho? 

And hey! Why was Mourinho (left: below) pulling that strained mien as Matilda looks towards the ground as if listening to the father say  "hey Maty don’t look at these people or else they''ll ruin your life” *laughs*. 

I guess Mourinho's facial expression on the field as Coach is almost if not the same outta field.

The Portuguese boss and super Coach kept a straight face on the red carpet with Matilda in all of the shots as seen here. Anyhow enjoy these pictures as the next time you'll see 'daddy' Jose will definitely be on the field of play. 

On this note, I'll like to say 'chao' for now!

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