Wednesday 16 September 2015


About two days ago this was the 14th of September, 2015, marked the 24th wedding anniversary of Magic Johnson and his lovely wife Earlitha of many years. He went on Instagram with this lovely message below:
It’s that time of the year again to celebrate my wife, my lover, my friend! It’s been 24 years of wedded bliss and I still get butterflies every time we kiss! I still remember the first time I saw you walk across the street in those jeans and today, you are still the most beautiful woman I have ever seen! I know you’re an angel sent down to me from above because there is no other way to define our deep love. I believe our union was predestined at birth, because every day I spend with you is like heaven on Earth! Happy 24th Anniversary, Cookie! I love you!

Hmm! How lovely does that sound in your ears?  How many men still get those butterflies after many years or even take out time to appreciate their wives like this on social media and still mean it? After 24 years, the same woman is still the most beautiful woman.

I got talking with a very, very gentleman, Dele (real name withheld) yesterday after reading out the message above by Magic Johnson and his exact words were “hmmm, that was greatly bold of Magic Johnson, given the rate of infidelity these days whereby some men cannot even put up the pictures of their wives as dp on whatsapp or bbm so that the side-chicks don’t get too jealous even when they know the man is married”.

I laughed and said “but a lot of them would argue that why they don’t do that is for security reasons”.
What silly security reason is that?  Dele asked in a sarcastic tone, “if these men bother about security, then they wouldn’t sell themselves out by first of all indulging in extra-marital affairs. Look my sister, 90% of the time it is because of the girls outside while I could give them 10% for business reasons, other than that (hissing with a wave of the hand) it’s all for the babes”.

Laughing and looking at him with a frisky guarded look I asked “hmm, Dele are you talking from experience or other people’s experiences? Still laughing I added, “But on a more serious note, why do men even cheat”?

“Ehen” he said in a protesting manner “leave that topic for another day except you don’t want to leave this place today” getting off his seat he added “and when that day comes, the topic should be, why do people cheat at all and not just men. But wait o!  Pausing to ponder for a second, he asked “on a second thought, do you think Magic Johnson would have stuck with this same woman if he was not HIV positive”?  

And that begging question ‘yours sincerely’ could not answer. So with tongue in check, I let the discussion go. Dele on the other hand still had something to say even as he walked away but stopped at the door and said “for the records, I don’t cheat and hard as it may sound because one gets tempted every now and then given these Jezebels in town nowadays, I’ve never cheated on my wife and never will for I’ve seen that the consequences always outweighs whatever pleasure I would derive from it no matter how smart you think you are”.

Now having digressed a bit, let’s get back to Magic Johnson. For those of you who may be wondering who Magic Johnson is (which I strongly doubt because the man to a long standard needs no introduction), let me give you a brief on this ‘needs-no-introduction-man’

Before some of you will think he’s a magician *winks* given the name ‘magic’ as represented here; Earvin "Magic" Johnson Jr. is a retired American professional basketball player of the National Basketball Association who played for the Lakers in Los Angeles for 13 seasons and won championships with the Lakers during the 80s. He earned the name ‘Magic’ from Fred Stabley Jr., a sports writer after Johnson recorded a triple-double of 36 points, 18 rebounds and 16 assists as a 15 year old sophomore  playing for Everett High School and the name stuck even though Johnson’s mother who was a Christian felt the name was rather sacrilegious. On a lighter note, he sure performed some magic given his skills during his active years in basketball.

In 1991 after announcing his HIV positive status, he acknowledged that he got infected through having multiple sexual partners during his active playing career period even though he initially said that he did not know how he contracted the disease. After the announcement, he retired but returned to play in the 1992 All-Star Game and won the All -Star MVP Award.  He again retired for another four years due to dis approvals from his fellow players for fear of contacting the disease if he got injured while playing in the court. 
Magic Johnson & Family
Nonetheless, for the third and final time, he returned in 1996 at the age of 36 to play 32 games for the Lakers before retiring for the final time. Today he has many awards to his name. He had his first son Andre, with Melissa Mitchell who was born in 1981 and another Earvin III in 1992 with his wife Earlitha Kelly who he calls “cookie” after they got married in 1991. In 1995 they adopted a daughter, Elisa.

Enough said, here’s wishing Magic Johnson and his “cookie” many more beautiful years together ahead. Hoping that in the next 24 years, they’ll still get ‘butterflies’ when they kiss.

Finally, my question to every couple of many years out there “DO YOU STILL GET THOSE BUTTERFLIES WHEN YOU KISS AFTER THESE MANY YEARS”? 

Bye for now!!!

Tuesday 15 September 2015


Now if you ask me, I wonder why Jamie Foxx and Katie Holmes are still trying so hard to keep their romance ‘hush, hush’ when it seems none of the party is cheating on anybody or a third party. Us Weekly reported exclusively about 3 days ago that for a recent L.A. rendezvous with boyfriend Jamie whom she’s being dating for about two years now, the beautiful 36 year old actress and formerly Tom Cruise’s partner had to put on a wig and hat to avoid the ‘paparazzi’ while meeting with him at a hotel.

Now, enough of Katie Holmes; let’s focus on the man-of-the-moment Jamie Foxx.  Jamie Foxx who was born as Eric Marlon Bishop, is an American actor, singer, comedian, writer, and producer and many more. I guess a lot of people would be wondering why I’m writing on him today. And my bold response would be ‘who wouldn’t want to write about Jamie Foxx any day’?

If you ask me again, I would say he’s a real ‘Hollywood story’. Who would have thought this 47 year old ‘master of everything’ would turn out this way many years ago? God bless the star, moon, sun or whatever that witnessed the day he was born. It sure must have been a lucky star, moon and again whatever.

Interestingly, I was never a fan while he was on that movie with Vivica Fox (someone please remind me the name of that movie again), aha! Booty Call!! And then onto his Jamie Foxx sitcom/show, I still wasn’t a fan of his for I thought he wasn’t really funny until 2004 when he starred as Ray Charles in the biographical film Ray which earned him the Academy and BAFTA Awards for best actor as well as a Golden Globe Award also for Best Actor in a musical comedy. Wow! That was the year I fell in love with his acts. It was whoop! Whoop!! Whoop!!! All the way for Jamie for in that same year, he got nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his role in the action film Collateral and even though he didn’t win that, it still has been a story filled with successful points.
His outing in the still-talked-about movie Django Unchained which was released in 2012 blew me away  and while I was still trying to get outta the wind of Django Unchained, I got sucked-up again into this  amazing character when I saw what he did with his role as William Stacks in yet another great movie ‘Annie’ the 2014 version. His roles in other movies such as Electro in The Amazing Spider Man leave you with that longing-for-more feeling. I had to go search for his sitcom The Jamie Foxx show to watch all over again just in case I missed out something which didn’t make him appear funny or talented to me at the initial stage of his career. 

My admiration for him grew when I started taking time out to listen to him sing and gbam! That guy can sing to save his life and yours *smiles*. Between 2005 and 2008 he produced three albums; ‘Unpredictable’, ‘Intuition’ and the ‘Best Night of My Life’ all of which charted tops on the US Billboard 200 and today he stands tall as one of the great Grammy Award winning artists which is another feather to many of the feathers on his successful hat. He surely is now living up to his name as ‘Jamie King’ which he played in his sitcom between 1996 and 2001.

Who says being adopted does not come with a lot more goodies than has been told in the past? Having been raised by his mother's adoptive parents in a black quarter in Terrell, Texas which at that time was a racially segregated community, he nevertheless had a strict Baptist upbringing as he took part in the choir and started playing the piano at five even as his natural talent for jokes became obvious as a very young teenager.

After completing Terrell High School, he received a scholarship to study classical music at the United States International University and the rest is history.

Need I say more about this wonderful man? He is no doubts ‘unpredictable’ because I know for a fact that at the rate he’s moving, we’ve only seen a little of the stuff he’s really made of,  for I strongly presume there’s so much more to come from ‘Jamie’ Foxx the ‘King’.

So until then, let’s keep our fingers crossed as we await more mind-blowing acts from JAMIE FOXX. And Hey Katie! You go on girl!! Keep loving this great-man-of-the-moment who has very often acknowledged that one of the greatest reasons for his success is the influence of his grandmother in his life!!!

Now, you be the judge! Who wouldn't want to write about Jamie Foxx? I bet you would, having come to the end of this write-up.  He is THE MAN!! Well done JAMIE!!!

Thursday 10 September 2015


A few days ago at the GQ Men of the year Awards ceremony held  at the Royal Opera House in London's Covent Garden guess who was among the host of famous faces invited to grace the event?

It was Chelsea's 'chosen one' Jose Mourinho. He was pictured on the red carpet with his teenage daughter Matilda clothed in a black dress complementing her father who was also cutely dressed in a lovely black suit with a white shirt. He sure looked good.

Now away from Jose Mourinho, let us focus on Matilda. Like the popular saying ‘pictures speak volumes’.  I could deduce from the way she looked in the pictures that she wasn’t really comfortable, could it be the red carpet or perhaps the dress or perhaps daddy Mourinho gives her the creeps?  

 I presume the dress because as seen in the picture on the right (below), she was trying to pull the dress lapel to cover up the revealed bust but alas! No luck.

If it was the dress, then my question is, didn't she take some time off to try the dress earlier on and then a look on the mirror before the 'D' day and before stepping out of the house with daddy Mourinho? 

And hey! Why was Mourinho (left: below) pulling that strained mien as Matilda looks towards the ground as if listening to the father say  "hey Maty don’t look at these people or else they''ll ruin your life” *laughs*. 

I guess Mourinho's facial expression on the field as Coach is almost if not the same outta field.

The Portuguese boss and super Coach kept a straight face on the red carpet with Matilda in all of the shots as seen here. Anyhow enjoy these pictures as the next time you'll see 'daddy' Jose will definitely be on the field of play. 

On this note, I'll like to say 'chao' for now!

Wednesday 9 September 2015


Yesterday, while listening to a program on CNN I heard one of America’s radio host Hugh Hewitt talk about the ongoing Presidential campaign in America. He compared Hillary Clinton, the Democratic presidential candidate‘s use of a private email while in office with the double murder trial of O.J. Simpson the former football player.

In his own words on CNN: I think her candidacy is doomed. I think Joe Biden, as Rupert Murdoch tweeted out last night, is going to get in because Mrs. Clinton has no excuse. I believe it's a violation of law and I believe it will come out. And I don't know that O.J. murdered people, but I'm absolutely certain that, you know - I'd believe he did but there was no verdict that he did. You don't need a verdict to come to a conclusion about someone's guilt.

Simpson and Nicole
As soon as he finished speaking, memories of O.J. Simpson and many others who have in one way or the other been charged (convicted or escaped conviction) for the murder of their partners flooded my head. I
went down memory lane starting off with O.J. Simpson since it was the thought of him that started the spark of me writing on this topic.

O.J. Simpson’s life changed forever from being one of the most-famous running backs in football history to an accused murderer of his ex-wife Nicole Brown and her friend Ronald Goldman who were found at a condominium in Los Angeles with stab wounds on the 12th of June, 1994.  After a period of televised trial which was tagged ‘the trial of the century’ by many, in October 1995, he was charged with the murders, but acquitted of all the criminal charges. However, two years later, he was found liable for the murders in a civil trial and ordered to pay as much as $25 million to the families of the victims. 
Spade and Ella Mae

Next on this list is the musician Spade Cooley and very much back in the days, he was referred to as the 'king of Western swing'. Cooley was arrested and convicted in 1961 for the murder of his wife Ella Mae Cooley who had been a singer in his band which was one of the most known big band leaders in the 1960s.

Oscar and Reeva
Only recently, Oscar Pistorius the Olympian first made headlines as an Olympic runner with the use of two prosthetic legs. He gained additional headlines when he shot and killed his girlfriend; Reeva Steenkamp in the bathroom whom he claimed he thought was an intruder.
Longine and Sabich

Also like Oscar who claimed ‘accidental’, Singer/actress/dancer Claudette Longine went from being a very public person to become one who has settled for a solitary after her arrest for the death of Olympian Spider Sabich.  Longine shot Sabich and was convicted of wrongful death after she had claimed that it was accidental. The singer was sentenced to just 30 days in jail term.

William S. Burroughs
Yet again, on ‘claims of accidental’, Burroughs a top poet of the 1960’s was said to have  accidentally shot and killed his wife when he was attempting to shoot an apple on top of her head (did I just hear somebody say ‘what an accident’ with a cynical tone?). However, after serving his time, he got out and actually said the death of his wife allowed him the inspiration to write poetry. Hmm! What an inspiration you sure would say.

The Benoits
Unlike the aforementioned, Chris Benoit who was once one of the big names in World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) did not get to the trials. In 2007, when things began going downhill and spiraling out of control so fast for the Canadian professional wrestler; he murdered his wife and young son on the 22nd of June and  thereafter committed suicide (or would you rather say escaped judgment) by hanging two days later.

Still very fresh and again not witnessing trials, Earl Hayes who was an up and coming rapper and his wife
Earl and Stephanie
Stephanie Mosley a dancer who at the time had only just appeared on a VH1 reality show when in 2014, police were called to their apartment after gunshots were heard. Authorities found the Earl and his wife dead and it was later ruled that Hayes killed Mosley and then killed himself.  

Gig and Kim
Moving on, Gig Young was one of the top actors of his time, winning an academy award and appearing in such well known films as The Three Musketeers, Teacher’s Pet, They Shoot Horses, Don’t They? And Game of Death. Three weeks after the then 64-year-old actor married 21-year-old Kim Schmidt, the pair couple was found dead in their apartment with gunshot wounds. Eventually authorities determined Gig had killed his young wife and then turned the gun on himself. Hmm! Another ‘escapee’ of judgement you would say, isn’t it.

Russell and Catherine
How many of you remember the Hi-Five band from way back? *Smiles* The R&B group that was the rave of the moment in the early 1990s for hit songs like ‘she’s playing had to get’,I like the way’ and others. Yeah, I’m sure a lot of you also remember Russell Neal as a member of the band.  Sadly, Russell was in 2014 arrested and charged with the murder of his wife Catherine Martinez. At the initially stage, he was the one who led police to the body, walking into a station and announcing she was dead.
Blake and Wife Bonnie

A quick one on Robert Blake. Robert Blake had a long career in the entertainment industry but he really grabbed headlines in 2001 when he was charged with the murder of his wife, Bonnie Bakley.

Carruth and Cherica
Rae Carruth was one of the best wide receivers in the game in the NFL but today he’s a lot more known for hiring a hit-man to kill his pregnant girlfriend Cherica Adams. Despite hiring a man to do the killing, it was reported that he played an active role as he blocked her car in the driveway while the other hit-man shot her.

Kayode and Titilayo
Finally and back home in Nigeria in 2014. one Kayode  Ayo Arowolo who was accused of killing his banker wife, Titilayo Arowolo sometime in 2011; was sentenced to death by a Lagos high court after the Presiding judge Lateefat Okunnu found him guilty of the murder.

these are just a few of the thousands of murders by loved ones/partners all over the world. 

It's time to stop this madness. If the relationship starts to hurt, just let it go on a clean slate to avoid hurting more people.  Wishing America, Hillary Clinton and all the other Presidential candidates 'all the best' and may the best man/woman win.