Monday 23 March 2015


A lot of things ginger and motivate me to write and some of those things include ‘real life’ issues. Real life issues such as the one I am writing about today. Many times we hear people say  “men are dogs” and whenever I am present in such a circle of discussion, I am quick to say “not all men are dogs” because I know there are still over a thousand and one men out there who have proved and are still proving that ‘not all men are dogs’. But do I blame all those who hold the negative views about men? Hell no! Why is that? Yes, because a lot of men have FAILED woefully when it comes to sowing their wild oats.  Before you start getting involved in any hearty argument on this issue, perhaps it will do some good if one takes a moment to read to the end of this article.

Naturally, children are meant to be protected as that is the first thought that crops up any good/humane heart, but the situation in the world we live in today is otherwise. Mr Jerry Onu (real names withheld) leaves the home in the care of his wife, Nnenna (real names withheld) for a couple of weeks so he could attend to a business meet thereby enabling him meet up with the  responsibility of providing bread for his family returns to find out that the wife  is  pregnant. Without  any reason to doubt the legitimacy of the pregnancy,  as he was only away for a few weeks;  he accepts the news with so much joy despite them already having three kids as their union was already blessed with  a thirteen year old daughter and two boys  ages five and seven after her .

Upon Mr Jerry’s return from his trip, he met his thirteen year old daughter ill and being treated for malaria by her mother his wife (Nnenna).  Children falling ill have never been anything new in the environment we live hence does not give rise to parents panicking so much in such cases hence the case of their thirteen year old daughter was not an exception. However After treating her for the most likely cause – malaria- for a while, she was not responsive. At this point both parents started getting apprehensive, but of course the mother’s apprehension was more. The news got to a relative who after a close look and as a show of concern suggested a pregnancy test. The father  (Mr Jerry) refused at first because he could not imagine his lovely daughter experimenting with sex at that age, besides her mum was believed to be morally upright and very high-handedly strict which impressed him a lot.
Nevertheless, after much thoughts, the pregnancy test was carried out and it revealed the little girl of thirteen was weeks pregnant. ‘What! How! Those were the first words that emanated from the father when he got the devastating test result. Of course her mum was filled with fear and disappointment. Could it have been her school mate or her class teacher or a boy within/around the house that did this? Her father who was already consumed by so much anger and pain, just like every right thinking man would, had to interrogate the daughter while both parents ensued in a ‘blame-game’.

“It was uncle Jide daddy’s friend” she cried. “He comes to the house to see mummy and takes her out every time you travel” she continued. After further interrogations, it was revealed that her mum was having an extra marital affair with the ‘uncle Jide’.  As the little girl spoke, the father crumpled to the ground as he broke into hot tears.  According to the little girl looking at the mother, “it was that day you sent him to drop me at Fade’s place with your car that he did it”. On that day according to the little girl, Jide had deceptively made a stop at his house and lured the little girl into his bed after which he threatened to harm her if she ever told anyone. 

The story twist as a matter of fact revealed that Nnenna’s pregnancy was also an outcome of the unholy relationship with Jide. Mr Jerry’s pain and anger was not wholly based on the daughter’s pregnancy but also because Jide has been his all-time friend and a business partner whom he trusted so much like a brother. Jide’s wife and two kids live abroad and Jerry visits them whenever he went abroad as he always had something to deliver from Jide. As at the time of writing this article, the little girl’s pregnancy had been aborted and the mother (Nnenna) driven out of the house. Mr Jerry’s mother has moved into the house and is in charge of the kids at the moment. 

Now who is to blame? The mother of the girl or UNCLE JIDE? Are (SOME) men really dogs or not? My two cents is this “the woman a fool and the man is a BASTARD (you can also include PAEDOPHILE if you wish).  

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