Friday 23 May 2014


In a short while from now, summer (hopefully the weather may improve) would eventually present itself properly all over the UK. Hmm... Did I just hear someone hum the lyrics “summer, summer, summer time” by Will Smith?  And Summer time implies loads of fun! It means a time for picnics, outdoors, all kinds of finger foods, fried or roasted (name them. Pizzas of all kinds/styles from Italian Pizzas, traditional pizzas to Chicken Satay rolled ham, Cheese flutes and scores more). 

Also apart from enjoying the finger foods, (for all those in the cold regions) it is in addition a time for all sorts of light clothing as alternative for all the warm clothing. A time to do away for the time being, the heavy coats, head/neck warmers as well as the hand gloves for lovely shorts, flip flops and what have you, as summer gives opportunities to all the fashion conscious individuals especially for those ladies who love to add a little Boho Chic to their wardrobes. In the past few weeks and days, families, loved ones, friends and fiends alike in Diaspora especially those in the UK are looking forward to the lovely weather. Social blogs will be busy with pictures of picnics and how they have welcomed the summer with so much enthusiasm. 

Back home in West Africa, finger foods are eaten on a daily basis year-in-year-out (aren’t we blessed?*smiles*).  Nonetheless, how healthy are these finger foods we eat daily? That is a topic for another day. So also we are privileged to dress up or down, wear whatever we feel like as most of the season is warm. 

In Nigeria, plans are already being put in place by the affluent and buoyant families who can afford the usual summer vacation as they wait for their wards to round off school term for the holidays. Also before and even as you read this column, embassies are being besieged by veteran travellers for renewal of visas or first timers who want to have a taste of the supposed ‘been to’ good life or time abroad on vacation.

Every year, thousands of people, predominantly Nigerians, troupe out of West Africa to different parts of the world on holidays especially at summer. In no distant time, as soon as the children go on holidays or close for the term in Nigeria, the airports will all be agog with a beehive of activities by those who want to travel to the UK, America etc. Very soon, the phones of most account officers of all those who own accounts in the banks will be buzzing unending as requests for dollars, pounds, euro etc will flow in continuously. And of course threats of accounts closure will be sent as most of the time, the account officers and their banks are unable to meet the high demands; hence the refusal of these accounts officers to pick up calls from their clients as they would have run out of flimsy excuses and reasons why they cannot give the clients the amount of Personal Travelling Allowance or Business Travelling Allowance they require. The question then, how much do we know of our own country or surrounding countries?   

There are lots of destinations with enough tourists’ attractions in several places within Nigeria and around West Africa that are barely explored by the citizens of these places. Yet a good percentage of these citizens are desperate to go outside their surroundings to other countries with so much foreign exchange when they are already endowed with both man-made as well as natural attractions all around them.  

Every now and then, we hear information about how the Government and Ministry of Tourism are making efforts to improve tourism in Nigeria as it will improve the nation’s revenue. Nevertheless, Nigerians still troop out in thousands on vacation to other parts of the world at any given opportunity even though another larger percentage lament about tough times.

A few days ago, while seeing off an Aunt, a retired civil servant in her sixties to the airport as she was on her way to the UK on holidays for a few weeks. On our way, I asked her about this idea of Nigerians always wanting to travel to other countries on holidays when they rarely know any vacation spots within the country. She alleged that it is not like she really enjoys travelling to London all the time; “left to me, I would prefer visiting places within Nigeria, for example, I have always heard about the Yankari game reserve but I have never visited as most people around me rarely seem to be interested and I do not think it will be fun going there alone”. 

She went further to say that “even Obudu Ranch is another place I would love to visit and also attend the annually held Carnival in Calabar but because I do not have any friends or family to stay with so I haven’t gone. I know there are hotels to stay, but like I said earlier, I just cannot go alone as it would be a lot more fun if I went with other people”. Just before she got off the car at the airport, she later added light-heartedly that “even this idea of travelling during the summer sometimes does not really appeal to me” laughing lightly she continued “if not that it’s a lot easier to move around in the UK during the summer, I would even prefer to travel more during the cold season as we have enough sun here to make up for the summer” she concluded. 
One of Nollywood’s film Producer, Mr Gordon Irole affirms that left to him, he would prefer to take his family on vacation to places within and around Nigeria because there are still lots of places that people have not been or heard about in Africa. In the Northern part of Nigeria alone, there are several beautiful places that have not been discovered or explored by loads of people and poor marketing or publicity he said could be one of the factors militating against exploration by these potential tourists/visitors.

He cited an example like the Gambia, which although is not as big as Nigeria but at the same time offers a wide variety of tourist attractions to people. Mr Irole mentioned that In the Gambia  there are a good number of beaches for several leisure activities, lovely hotels, Restaurants as well as shops for all those who love shopping and also several local night clubs for those who enjoy partying and lot more attractions. In his own words “as a matter of fact, a holiday or vacation away in the Gambia is an experience that you would never want to forget for a lifetime as there will always be the urge to revisit again”. Continuing he said “apart from the reality that it is a lot cheaper than going to the UK for instance, it also feels like home in the Gambia” he finished off.

In an interesting chat with Mr Gbenga Adesanya, the CEO of an energy services company Diekolop Konsults Limited, in his own words said that “as a Nigerian I have travelled and covered the six zones of the nation. My first local holiday was in 1975 to see historical sites in Orimedu near Epe. The three day visit was exciting but stressful as I had to return to Lagos each night due to lack of even a motel. As a lover of historical sites the joy of discovery fired my spirit on subsequent trips. Most travellers in my group often complain of poor road access, not enough air and sea travel facilities and infrastructure. Till now, an air trip to Kaduna and Sokoto via Abuja could prove costly. I had to sleep in Abuja due to breakdown of the Aircraft flying us to Sokoto at personal cost as the Airline announced the continuation of our journey was postponed till the next morning since no plane was available for that evening. A foreign airline would put you up in at least a 3 Star Hotel with apologies”!

In the course of the chat, Mr Adesanya went further to say that “the roads and waterways in Nigeria are not safe and very stressful even before the advent of the quiet Niger Delta militancy, the Boko Haram flares and the pockets of Intra ethnic clashes over boundaries and political spoils of office. Travelling from Lagos to Abuja on four occasions, proved terrifying as contending groups traded gunfire at Okene in Kogi State. The Police and the Military had to deploy combat personnel to create safe passages for us. Added on is the low budget of the average traveller as the big spenders in our hotels appear to be government officials and the Political class. The depressed and traumatized middle class cannot travel locally talk less of overseas holidays! Tinapa would have been excellent, but the services are expensive due to cost of providing electricity by the Generating sets guzzling average of six million naira of diesel monthly”. A little bit of contrast to Mr Irole, who believes that there are lots of unexplored places of attractions within Nigeria, Mr Adesanya stresses that “The Nigerian Tourism Corporation should come up with a well articulated development plan to plant more secured hotels and resorts as well as exciting parks and gardens for the enjoyment of Nigerians”.

The preceding views and opinions should serve as an eye opener and food for thought to every individual. Tunisia, one of the Afro Arab Mediterranean countries, earns 85% of her Foreign exchange from tourism with less historical sites than Nigeria. Tourism is a goldmine, Nigeria should exploit this money spinner one of the avenues to mend and develop our nation’s economy. Nigeria remains a potential world beater if only we get it right. So let us join hands in reawakening that spirit of developing, promoting and exploring within our shores before going out there. Let us attract more tourists to Africa. It can only begin with YOU! Peace!!

*We await your thoughts and comments*  

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