Wednesday 17 May 2017


In 2012, a very young midfielder Mattheus Oliveira started his career with Brazilian club Fiamengo and later went on to join Estoril, the Portuguese side.

A couple of hours ago, reports  from the UK Telegraph revealed that this young man whose birth was celebrated by his father a former Brazilian football striker, Legendary José  Roberto Gama de Oliveira also known as Bebeto, about 23years ago, just signed a contract with Sporting CP; a contract that is expected to last up until 2022.

According to the reports, Mattheus while expressing his joy said I am very happy with this opportunity and I did not even think twice when the opportunity arose. Because of the history of this team and the players who have been here, I also want to create history at Sporting.”

While speaking, he also gave the official website of Sporting CP that he chose the Sporting CP “because of the greatness of the club

His excited father Bebeto expressed his joy in a tweet “So proud of you, son!!! Continue working hard and with humility you will go far!! Then you can enter into the history of Sporting!!” 

It would be recalled that it was this same baby, that Bebeto celebrated in 1994 during the FIFA World Cup after scoring against Netherlands as he held both hands in the air swinging from left to right as though he was carrying a baby thus making Mattheus a ‘famous baby’. And till date, it has become a ways of celebrating on the field as a lot of footballers still do that in celebrating goals whenever a baby is born just before or during a match. 

Congrats Bebeto, your ‘famous baby’ is becoming more famous!  


This morning, I was shown a crazy video of persons who were acting like zombies and running berserk acting as though they were high on something. And yeah, the way they displayed could only have been achieved by being high on something because nobody in their right frames of mind would run into a windshield, run into a moving car, almost strangling an innocent co-passenger on a train, or be rolling on the road especially on a highway with fast moving vehicles and passersby.

It didn’t take long watching the video before my suspicions of them being high on something were confirmed as the narrator in the video soon revealed that the cause of the actions in the video is related to the victims’ indulgence in a street drug called flakka.

Flakka which is the colloquial name for this street drug which was designed in the 60s is actually alpha- Pyrrolidinopentiophenone a synthetic stimulant of the Cathinone family, somewhat like amphetamine thereby making it a dangerous designer drug which leaves its users dangerous not only to themselves but also those around them.

As though that video on flakka was not enough of an ordeal, I got to the office and saw a  screenshot of news reporting that a teen had died from drinking caffeine too early thus bringing back memories of how I almost passed out during exams back in my days as an undergraduate in the University having read ‘jacked’ all night with my eyes wide open all through given the large amounts of highly concentrated coffee I was used to taking at the time whenever it was time for exams to enable me stay awake  while reading at night.

Back then, I took coffee or caffeine as though it was going out of fashion and I soon realized that I was no longer drinking just because it was exams but also that I had become an ADDICT nevertheless did not wait for anyone to caution me to stop after that encounter in the exams hall. I cautioned myself and stopped.

Where am I going with all this? You may ask.

To every one of you out there, you know what you are addicted to. Whatever it is, please help yourself and STOP! It doesn’t have to be anything taken orally, it may just be some habits other than drinking, drugs, smoking et al. Just stop that ADDICTION now.

Don’t wait till it gets out of hand and too late.

Tuesday 16 May 2017


Every now and then, there is always this tendency to ‘lose it’ especially when things don’t go the way as planned. When I say ‘lose it’ I mean, break down in tears, shout at nobody in particular, eat unhealthy junk foods and you name it as people have different ways of letting off the steam.

And then of course you would know immediately that all is not well with that individual so you can ask questions such as “what’s the problem, how may I help, have you considered” the list is endless. And thereafter, the person may or may not get the help required depending on whatever the case or situation may be at the time. Nevertheless, for some people, there is some kind of relief from just talking about it even though the listener does not provide help at the end of the day while for others it may just be an added frustration having listened without providing any solutions to the issue.

Well, that’s for those who can speak up, which is just one group of people.

Now another group is those who will NEVER speak up or show any signs of whatever they may be going through as speaking about their problems is not a ‘way of life’ for them.  So they can appear happy and in charge or control yet may just be dying inside slowly as they never want to burden people with their challenges. They make people happy but then go back in their closets and cry or shout. Now before you go judging or the way of crucifixion, wait a minute.

Many a times, people have learnt from experience that it’s in very few cases that “a problem shared is half solved” as they may have encountered  disturbing  and painful situations of “a problem shared is well publicized” which becomes very embarrassing and leaves the individual feeling more aweful than he/she was before sharing in the first instance. So when you find such people, don’t always assume the persons are too arrogant or proud or whatever as the individuals may just be avoiding further pains by keeping to themselves and trying to find solutions to their challenges on their own.

Then again, for such private individuals, it takes a true friend to perceive beyond all that façade of trying to appear happy and in charge or control, is a sad personality who may be withering away slowly on the insides. When you find such a friend, hold on to him or her as they are rare to find.

When such friends are able to detect the ‘pains behind the smile’ just a GENUINE word of encouragement may just be all that is required to change the perspective of things hence a life changed and helped for the better.

This write-up is just to encourage you out there, that no matter what you are going through, there is always that one person to talk to despite the many who may not help but may subject you to ridicule thus becoming a laughing stock. However bad the experiences have been in the past, always listen to that still small voice and it will direct you on whose direction you should go when in need of a confidant.

Please don’t die in silence anymore, I have been there before and I can tell you categorically, “it aint fun”. My prayer is that you find or recognize that true friend that you can always talk to.

Finally, even though many are of the school of thought that when you tell people your problems, 80% don’t care while the other 20% are happy it’s happening to you, I still admonish that whenever you need help, please by all means, seek it.

Never forget, after you are done praying, talk to somebody today. We all need somebody and one another.

No man is an Island neither does a tree make a forest.
©Stella Ene – Inyang