Monday 5 December 2016


Sometimes one is tempted to laugh, get angry, confused and amused at the same time when you are faced or come across certain stories.

What would you do if you found out that the bottles of water you have consumed in the past at work actually contained some of your colleague’s urine? Nauseous, I guess!
It no doubts would be a case of real ‘mixed funny feelings’ or else, how is one expected to react with a story such as you find below.

According to a report from the BBC, a man caught on CCTV urinating into two female work colleagues' water bottles has been ordered to pay them £1,500 compensation.

James Tainsh's bosses set up the hidden camera after the women complained bottles they had left on their desks "smelled funny".

A court heard that the conduct had been going on for some time before Tainsh who is 64-year-old was apprehended after being caught on CCTV taking empty water bottles and used cups out of a bin, urinating in them, and putting them back on female workers' desks.

A sheriff told him his behaviour was "absolutely disgusting".

He was also seen taking an empty chewing gum container out of a bin, performing a sex act with it, and putting it on one of the women's desks.

Falkirk Sheriff Court heard that two female workers at the firm had complained that items on their desks were being interfered with after they had gone home.

Prosecutor Samanatha Brown said: "The inference was that the women may well have drunk out of bottles affected.

"What drew their attention was that bottles that had been left on their desks had been moved around."

Tainsh admitted committing a breach of the peace in October. The court ruled the offence contained a "significant sexual element".

Simon Hutchison, defending, said Tainsh had lost his job at the firm, where he had worked for 22 years.

Sheriff Derek Livingston said: "His attitude to the offence seems to be almost one of justification; that it's one of the women's fault because he thought she was flirting with him."

Mr Hutchison said: "Or flirting with someone else, and he wasn't happy about it."

Sheriff Livingston ordered Tainsh to carry out 200 hours of unpaid work and pay the women compensation. Tainsh was also placed under supervision and on the sex offenders register for three years.

Sheriff Livingston told him: "I am very tempted to impose a custodial sentence, your behaviour was absolutely disgusting."

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