Wednesday 9 November 2016


Now with the American 2016 Presidential election over, we are reminded again, more than ever before that in Politics anything and I mean anything can happen. Did I get a few others concur?

I can only imagine Soyinka keeping to his promise and many others who said one form of “if Donald Trump wins, I will…” Donald Trump has taken America and the whole place is coloured ‘RED’ and his party members are popping champagne as you read this. Such is life!

Hillary Clinton no doubts gave Trump a good ‘run for his money’ and that of his party members, her name has gone into the history books as one woman who almost became the first female President in America. If only all those who sang her praises during the campaigns truly went out en masse and voted. It’s just a repeated case of “Jonathan will win…Jonathan will win in 2015” yet after all said and done, more than half of all those who were chanting Jonathan’s praise either did not vote for him or did not  go out to vote at all. Politics is so filled with interesting dynamics, intrigues and most of all, confused people.

I almost had blood pressure and so did many others while the votes were counted and results released as if it was my country. No doubts, America affects every one of our lives in one way or the other. The world stood still for this election as nearly every country seemed to have a stake in the outcome.

Congratulations to Trump anyway even as the world awaits your work and policies in taking America to the next level.

I was reading some of Trump’s comments made during the campaigns and was even more alarmed that inspite of the so many uncouth statements and declaration from this ‘man of the moment’ he was still loved by many. The results speak volumes and how much he is loved. People can never be entirely trusted. When they say they love you, think again because they just may be implying the very opposite.

Once again, politics is an interesting world filled with confused people!


Big question!

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