Tuesday 19 January 2016


Some workers have huge guts no doubts. Can you beat this?

Imagine yourself a magnate and CEO of a large chain of businesses spanning years and spread all over the place with a workforce that the Federal Government should be grateful for as it has helped to take many of the unemployed off the streets. Then you are invited as a resource person given your wealth of experience to a seminar and then all of a sudden, gbam! A group of persons storm the place only for you to find out that they are your staff/workers from one of your companies claiming non-payment of salaries for several months. What would you do if you found yourself in such a situation?

That was the situation Jimoh Ibrahim the Nigerian Billionaire Businessman found himself while giving a lecture at the 5th Energy Group GMD conference which was been aired live on AIT, was interrupted when his worker from one of his companies National Mirror burst into the venue of the event demanding to be paid salaries that have been held for several months thereby causing some confusion for Jimoh whose day turned out like no ordinary day as all those present looked as surprised as the business mogul himself.

Nevertheless, trust Jimoh Ibrahim as he was able to handle the situation but not without first of all blaming the top management of the company which he said was just one out of his 16 existing companies and thereafter promised to pay the salaries of the workers which according to the workers have been held for five months. However, sadly, the promise was made on the condition that the Managing and Deputy Managing Directors resign as soon as the conference being held was over for lack of competence.

Now some of the questions most people asked after seeing what transpired on air were (1)Was the Mogul really surprised and did not know that the salaries were not paid for those months? (2) If he knew why did he wait for the protest on air before promising to pay? (3) Was the money available and the DMD and MD refused to pay? (4) Are they really to blame (5) Were they acting on orders and still got burnt at the end of the day by the one who gave the orders? (6) Did the workers have it all planned to dishonour the top management? The questions went on and on.

The sad part of this whole story is that some people have joined the unemployed market again only that this time they will be looking for top management positions which are of course not available as most organisations are looking for young graduates who they can pay less for doing so much work. 

So for those of you who still have jobs, not just jobs but good paying jobs, hold on tightly to them because there are no greater paying jobs out there and even if you are offered a better package than what you have now, what is the guarantee that the pay will be consistent? Ciao!


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