Tuesday 8 August 2017


Have you ever wondered why it is so easy to promote evil or immorality, yet so difficult to share and promote morality and any good form of experiences or things, tangibles and intangibles?

For the past couple of weeks, I have been holding back not to write anything about the ‘’hallelujah challenge’’ by Nathaniel Bassey which trended so awesomely in a magical way all through the month of June.

Before you start getting it twisted, let me clear the air. First of all, I’m  not a member of Nathaniel Bassey’s family or a member  of his church  neither am  a personal friend of his or even a friend to his friend. It would also interest you to know that I didn’t even take part in the challenge until three days before it ended.

And guess what? I wish took part in it all through the month and not just for three days .
Nevertheless, I didn’t miss out on the blessings of the month neither did I miss out on the blessings of the midnight praise because I was involved in my own daily/nightly prayers and praise sessions as organized by my local church. Yes! I am a Christian. Just in case you didn’t know.

So the month of June was indeed a month of daily mighty praise of God from millions of people across the globe. Believe it or not, many testified and are still testifying about the wonders  that came out of all the praise challenge(s.)

Now with that out of the way, dear reader, let’s move on.

Every move of God normally moves people forward and I believe that just concluded hallelujah challenge and all other challenges of night praise, prayer and worship which no doubts were moves of God moved a lot of people, individuals, families and businesses forward.

And so it was disheartening to see posts and comments on the posts on social media from individuals including Christians who were condemning the hallelujah challenge by Nathaniel Bassey claiming it was just a strategic PR for his next album or song. Phew! How condescending can people get when they see good things. When a few of these negative posts and comments were attacked by those who saw it as “uncalled for” the posters and communicators of course quickly moved to try in defending themselves.

That’s by the way though, even though it was what gave rise to this write up.

After seeing such comments the one thing I could ‘deduce’ from all such comments was sheer “envy”.

Yes I say envy or else how can you  find it so easy to ‘okay ’ programs and reality shows that promote all kinds of immorality including sex and nudity but shout when people spend their data praising God for just one hour or more every night for just a month? Yet we complain about how decayed the society has now become; including  politicians stealing public funds on a daily basis while robbers, kidnappers and ritualists are carrying out their activities all around the place at their various levels unperturbed, not leaving out the rapists, perverts and peadophites whose victims are also getting on high by the day.

So it’s okay when 90% of men go online on a daily basis to watch pornography for hours on social media and data is used for all these.

Some “enjoyers” of the bad news are quick to Google on the latest couples who are breaking up, who is cheating on their spouses, how one person was disgraced or who was rich and now broke and many more.

People or should I resound that “man” is naturally wicked and that it takes a lot of discipline to push down and suppress the spirit of envy and thereafter wish good for others?

Alas! It’s not always so with many individuals as the quest for always wanting to remain ahead of a friend or next person, seeks for ways to continuously put down every one of perceived their “competitor”.

Why am I not surprised at the negative remarks from many especially the co-Christians?

Imagine a Pastor or Christian artist/minister who’s been in the ministry for a couple of “donkey” years and yet still struggling, only for this “small boy” or “rookie” Nathaniel Bassey to come from "nowhere" and take all the “shine” with a small idea as “Halleluyah Challenge”. Kai! What a “whipping”!! I can only imagine how many of the “bad belles” bit and are still biting their fingers with expressions and thoughts such as “if only I had thought of this strategy and acted upon it earlier”.

Well deal with it dear, move on, join the challenge next time, ask God for your own “one small idea” and be rest assured that without any grudges against those whose bread have been “buttered”, your own bread will also be “buttered”. Just be patient and think positive.

Enough said already and you may be wondering why I’m just writing about that “Halleluyah challenge” when it’s been many weeks over. Yes it’s because many are still talking about it and testimonies are still coming out.

When next any such praise challenges come up, I will take full part in it even as I know millions of participants from across the world are gearing up for the next challenge. Nathaniel Bassey broke ranks with his Halleluyah challenge and it was a good ‘rank breaking’ let others follow in his step perhaps it could become a leeway in sanitizing what we do on social media with our data.

Carry on Nathaniel Bassey and by the way ‘Olowogbogboro’ is really trending already and of course, Gods culture is on the verge of taking over ‘pop culture’.

Olowogbogboro is truly turning things around!


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